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Alright so I got a v5 beta community set up. And we're running into an issue with Tags. Is there a way to make the tag system an open system, like currently exists on v4? For the life of me, I can't find one. As someone who runs a very diverse community where tagging is not only essential, but extremely diverse, this seems like a change for the worse to have it only follow a closed, pre-defined list generated by the admins. There were hundreds of species tags that were in use on one of my older communities that I was likely going to bring back with the launch of ICv5, but this kind of puts a damper on that. Looked at all of the tag settings, but nothing makes it an open system again that I could find.

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1. My understanding is that IPS will roll over any existing tags in your community.  

2. This is one of those situations where I think IPS is putting forth a very bold new vision, but not giving existing communities the right tools to manage our existing content. For example, how do we consolidate and merge in existing tags? How do we delete frivolous tags?  How do we bulk apply a new tag to thousands of new content items in various apps?

3. A closed taxonomy assumes the forum admin can identify a comprehensive taxonomy in advance.  The only way that happens is if you make the taxonomy broad and generic (and this might be the original vision of IPS, when they were only going to roll over the top 25 most used tags). But you lose any of the nuance of detailed tagging. 

I'm still wrapping my head around this new taxonomy vision by IPS.

My personal take at this time is this new closed system only works best for new communities without a lot of content. 

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44 minutes ago, Joel R said:

2. This is one of those situations where I think IPS is putting forth a very bold new vision, but not giving existing communities the right tools to manage our existing content. For example, how do we consolidate and merge in existing tags? How do we delete frivolous tags?  How do we bulk apply a new tag to thousands of new content items in various apps?

@Matt did mention a one-off script/tool that would do that pre-upgrade here. To me that would be necessary as I've spent an insane amount of time tagging posts. 

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I'm struggling to figure out how to assign tags or prefixes to specific categories. For instance, if we have Forum 1 or Download Category 1, we want users to only be able to choose from tags or prefixes that are assigned to those specific categories. How can we accomplish this without requiring the user to search through all the tags and prefixes to find the right ones?

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4 hours ago, David N. said:

@Matt did mention a one-off script/tool that would do that pre-upgrade here. To me that would be necessary as I've spent an insane amount of time tagging posts. 

Now would be the time to remind him of that promise 😀

I think tagging is going to be one of the unexpected surprises that clients will have on v5. 

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If this is going to be a forced closed taxonomy system, it definitely needs a better management and application system for tags. Tag categories would be helpful for this...but yeah. I have to agree with Joel here about this having to have a predefined, comprehensive and generic list of tags. This doesn't work for all communities.

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