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How can we change the Default Page for a Guest Only .

I have the members defaulting to the forum ..

how can i change the Guest Group to a specific page ?


Solved by Marc

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There is no way in which you can force only guests to a specific page, while having members go elsewhere. Is there a reason you wish to do this? Could you give me an example of what you are looking to see, as there may be other ways around this I can advise on

  • Author

we are a Local Club . We do not have anything here for non members .  I would like to display information to Guest about what our club is and Give them the option to join .

OK, so personally what I would do in this scenario is to remove access to all forums from guests (unless of course there are some you wish them to see. Once done, using the block manager to add the "Guest signup widget". This block gives the guest the ability to sign up, and you can use the WYSIWYG editor to add any other information you wish. 


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that works . but i was using the WYSIWYG editor block for my regular member Front page content above the forums

and dont want that content shown to Guest ..   How can i get around that ...

would have been much easier to have a default page app with permissions and ability to select app or page as default depending on group ..

you guys should add it or someone create an app .

  • Solution

You can create your blocks in the admin CP, and create those with permissions as custom blocks. This way you can pick and choose which blocks show to which groups as neeeded

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are there any way to hide the Forum title from guest since i have the guest permission turned off on all of them ?


Could contain: Cutlery, Fork

3 minutes ago, Brian Correll said:

are there any way to hide the Forum title from guest since i have the guest permission turned off on all of them ?


Could contain: Cutlery, Fork

There is not natively via the software. You can change or make that language string an empty space but not really recommended.

Can read about language strings here:


  • Author

anyway to make the Guest widget

Could contain: Text


look more like this


Could contain: Text


im assuming it can be done somehow with this template . but i dont know code enough to change it .


{{$buttonMethods = $login->buttonMethods();}}
{{$usernamePasswordMethods = $login->usernamePasswordMethods();}}
{{$ref = \IPS\Request::i()->externalref ?: base64_encode( \IPS\Request::i()->url() ); }}
{{if $orientation == 'vertical'}}
	<div class='ipsWidget_inner ipsPos_center ipsPad'>
		<div class="ipsAreaBackground_light ipsPad">
		    <h2 class="ipsType_sectionHead ipsSpacer_bottom ipsSpacer_half">{$title}</h2>
		    <p class="ipsType_richText ipsType_contained">
		    {{if $usernamePasswordMethods}}
			    <ul class="ipsList_inline">
			            <a href='{url="app=core&module=system&controller=login" seoTemplate="login"}' class="ipsButton ipsButton_primary ipsButton_verySmall ipsPos_right">{lang="sign_in_short"}</a>
			            <a href='{url="app=core&module=system&controller=register" seoTemplate="register"}' class="ipsButton ipsButton_primary ipsButton_verySmall ipsPos_right">{lang="sign_up"}</a>
		    {{if $buttonMethods}}
			    <div class=''>
					<form accept-charset='utf-8' method='post' action='{$login->url}' target="_parent">
						<input type="hidden" name="csrfKey" value="{expression="\IPS\Session::i()->csrfKey"}">
						<input type="hidden" name="ref" value="{$ref}">
				        {{foreach $buttonMethods as $method}}
					        <div class='ipsType_center ipsPos_center ipsSpacer_top'>
	<div class='ipsWidget_inner ipsPos_center ipsPad_half'>
		<div class="ipsAreaBackground_light ipsPad">
		    <div class="ipsGrid ipsGrid_collapsePhone">
		        <div class='ipsGrid_span{{if $buttonMethods}}8{{endif}}'>
		            <h2 class="ipsType_sectionHead ipsSpacer_bottom ipsSpacer_half">{$title}</h2>
		            <div class="ipsType_richText ipsType_contained">
		            {{if $usernamePasswordMethods}}
			            <ul class="ipsList_inline">
			                    <a href='{url="app=core&module=system&controller=login" seoTemplate="login"}' class="ipsButton ipsButton_primary ipsButton_verySmall ipsPos_right">{lang="sign_in_short"}</a>
			                    <a href='{url="app=core&module=system&controller=register" seoTemplate="register"}' class="ipsButton ipsButton_primary ipsButton_verySmall ipsPos_right">{lang="sign_up"}</a>
		        {{if $buttonMethods}}
			        <div class='ipsGrid_span4 cSignInTeaser_right'>
						<form accept-charset='utf-8' method='post' action='{$login->url}' target="_parent">
							<input type="hidden" name="csrfKey" value="{expression="\IPS\Session::i()->csrfKey"}">
							<input type="hidden" name="ref" value="{$ref}">
				            {{foreach $buttonMethods as $method}}
					            <div class='ipsPad_half ipsType_center ipsPos_center'>


Customizations such as this would be outside our scope of support. You can ask in the Design / Customization forum or contact a third party provider to perform it for you for a fee.

  • Author
3 minutes ago, Jim M said:

Customizations such as this would be outside our scope of support. You can ask in the Design / Customization forum or contact a third party provider to perform it for you for a fee.


that forum is not accessible


Could contain: Page, Text

It will be once you purchase the software.

  • Author


6 hours ago, Brian Correll said:


Hi @Brian Correll,

I know you cannot access the Design and Customization forum on Invision Community, but the best news is that it can be done. The software is powerful and very adaptable, and it looks like what you want to achieve with the Guest Signup Widget is quite simple (coming from someone that doesn't code by the way). ☺️

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