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Pages disallowed in search console

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The Google Search Console is showing that only two of my pages are being indexed -- 11,400 pages are not. The main reasons are Page with Redirect and Blocked by robots.txt.

But in my configuration I have Invision Community Optimized checked for the Crawl Management setting.

I'm not sure how to get this working.


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Do you have an example of what you're seeing and what you're expecting to have indexed? Keep in mind that not all pages will be indexed, even though they may be available to be indexed.

You are indeed using our optimized robots.txt so items which are included in there would be pages which shouldn't be indexed. 

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Here's what I am seeing. I inadvertently clicked validate, so it is revalidating even though no changes have been made. Users don't have to be logged in to view topics (only to post to them), so I would expect all topics to be indexed. Also, there are about 50 uploaded files - I think those pages should also be indexed.


Could contain: Page, Text

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Pages like that are quite normal, we intentional block search engines from pages with redirects and low-quality content so they don't waste their time trying to index them.

Your site has far more than 2 pages indexed, I can see via Google for example, that you have a lot of content indexed going back at least 10 years.

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1 hour ago, braymond64 said:

How do I know how many pages I have on the site?

And I'm not sure where all of these redirects are. The topics may have external links, but they shouldn't be redirecting anywhere.


you can google something like this

site: yourSite.com


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