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How do I add a visual/picture as a Selection Field?


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On Pages, I'm doing my best to try and utilise everything they have to offer. I can see with Fields it can make a record very powerful in what information it can save. My specific thing i'm trying to do now is add a way for a user to add to a new record into a database, where they can select from a number of options. I can do this easily with the 'Select Box' field. However, the things they'll be selecting from need a visual aid so I need to understand how I attach a picture to each option in the field. At the moment I can only select a 'Key' and 'Value'.

Could contain: Page, Text, Invoice, Document

I believe all the functions are there for what I'm trying to do but I have a lack of knowledge that I'm hoping someone more proficient than me can help with please 🙂 Even if its another 'Field' I must use, its a solution I'm looking for more than just using the Select Box function.

Thanks all.

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Ah, okay 😔 thanks both @opentype and @Marc Stridgen. When you say 'heavily' customised, it doesn't seem to correlate with the idea of linking one extra field/piece of date to a Field? Are we saying that it would extensive changes to database code? Or fixable with a tweaks of putting the code/plugin in the right places?

I'm just trying to work out what the art of the possible is with my own skills or at as little cost to me as possible.. can't deny its a bit gutting if i can't do it with relative ease though, as some ideas were flowing in my mind and I think most people using databases and pages would've found many ways to utilise it.

Hopefully seeing me at least try to use your databases and configuration for my own learning/use is at least some consolation to all of us 😄

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I'm starting to understand more, thanks Marc. Essentially if I had a new template that could handle the fields in such a way to show the list options as pictures in a drop down, and then show the selected item as the relevant picture (with title overlaid if wanted like how it shows on other places in IPS) then this is one part of the puzzle. The other is allowing each field to have an attachment, like how the Pages blocks work.

Sounds like a request if I haven't got the knowledge currently to do this. Thanks again for the info.

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Ah, now I see. If you want the users to be able to actually upload the images, that would require modification. You wouldnt be able to do it within the current platform. However the rest is correct, yes. The way I was suggesting above, they would actually have to have those images uploaded somewhere that they can link to. So they would add the links there. (Dont use attachment links as that will actually cause you more issues than it solves)

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5 hours ago, Marc Stridgen said:

Ah, now I see. If you want the users to be able to actually upload the images, that would require modification. You wouldnt be able to do it within the current platform. However the rest is correct, yes. The way I was suggesting above, they would actually have to have those images uploaded somewhere that they can link to. So they would add the links there. (Dont use attachment links as that will actually cause you more issues than it solves)

No sorry Marc, when I said attachment I didn't mean the person to attach it, I was thinking about how the functionality worked in the creation side of things so I needed that 'attachment' function to help me upload an image alongside a select item. 🙂

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