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How do you do in Zapier with ActiveCampaign?


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I use zapier conection to add ActiveCampaign tags in my users. Every subscription have different privileges so I need to have different tags for every subcription plan.

IPS only send to zapier the Primary and Secondary user group, so I need to change my name groups and add more user groups to control any subscription changes like this:

  • Subcription 1 Active
  • Subscription 1 Inactive
  • Subcription 2 Active
  • Subcription 2 Inactive
  • etc...

For me this is a problem because in every post, in the user info, will show the group name "Subscription 1 active" like this IPS support forum show "Clients" and I dont like that show this public info, show be only internally info.

Could contain: Text, Number, Symbol, Ketchup, Food

Ideally, the groups can have public and internally name, and sent to zapier both to select the best option in every situation or send the subcription status.

Now it is impossible, so how can I do this segmentation in my zapier connection?

Thanks for your help in advance.

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2 minutes ago, Daniel F said:

I've had a similar challenge, that's why I created an app for member segments to have more control of this.

That said, do you really need that many groups? Do you need a group for every scenario with the active and inactive subscriptions? 

Thanks @Daniel F, yes I need to control every user what subscription have active and I need send this info to ActiveCampaign because I send different info and services by mail for every group.

If I can send the subscription status by zapier will be better solution, but it is not posible for now.

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19 minutes ago, Marc Stridgen said:

Please feel free to post up within our suggestions area if you have any suggestions for changes

Thanks @Marc Stridgen I will post some suggestions, but first I need to know If I can make my needed zaps now or we need add more zapier triggers and fields? Can you give me some help about?

Thanks a lot!

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