Invision Community 4: SEO, prepare for v5 and dormant account notifications Matt November 11, 2024Nov 11
Posted September 12, 20222 yr As you can see below, the Posting Machine icon has no background. Strange because after opening the icon in a new window it displays correctly. Browser: MS Edge. ===Edit=== I found a related topic: Edited September 12, 20222 yr by SeNioR-
September 12, 20222 yr Author I found the cause. The problem is in the icon code. I compared the icon code with 4.6 and 4.7 and it has changed a bit. I replaced the SVG code with the older one and after clearing the cache the icon appeared. Icon from IPS 4.6 with wrong number (100 instead of 500) but working: <svg width="150" height="150" viewBox="0 0 150 150" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M72.6698 1.06906C73.9026 -0.356357 76.0974 -0.356354 77.3302 1.06907L90.7007 16.5279C91.4918 17.4425 92.7359 17.8114 93.8909 17.4738L113.415 11.7689C115.215 11.2429 117.062 12.4411 117.336 14.3134L120.308 34.618C120.483 35.8193 121.332 36.8088 122.485 37.1555L141.964 43.0158C143.76 43.5561 144.672 45.5722 143.9 47.2969L135.529 66.0007C135.034 67.1073 135.219 68.4033 136.003 69.3242L149.252 84.889C150.474 86.3242 150.161 88.518 148.589 89.5475L131.534 100.712C130.525 101.373 129.986 102.564 130.153 103.766L132.966 124.094C133.225 125.969 131.788 127.644 129.914 127.651L109.589 127.732C108.387 127.737 107.296 128.445 106.792 129.547L98.2758 148.184C97.4905 149.902 95.3847 150.527 93.8041 149.51L76.6624 138.481C75.6483 137.829 74.3517 137.829 73.3376 138.481L56.1959 149.51C54.6153 150.527 52.5095 149.902 51.7242 148.184L43.2081 129.547C42.7043 128.445 41.6135 127.737 40.411 127.732L20.0862 127.651C18.2121 127.644 16.7748 125.968 17.0342 124.094L19.8475 103.766C20.0139 102.564 19.4753 101.373 18.4663 100.712L1.41124 89.5475C-0.161359 88.518 -0.473708 86.3242 0.747986 84.889L13.9974 69.3242C14.7812 68.4033 14.9657 67.1073 14.4705 66.0007L6.10019 47.2968C5.32838 45.5722 6.24011 43.5561 8.03622 43.0158L27.5152 37.1555C28.6676 36.8088 29.5167 35.8193 29.6925 34.618L32.6643 14.3134C32.9384 12.4411 34.7847 11.2429 36.585 11.7689L56.1091 17.4739C57.2642 17.8114 58.5083 17.4425 59.2993 16.5279L72.6698 1.06906Z" fill="url(#paint0_linear)"/> <g opacity="0.2"> <path d="M61.9465 18.8175L75 3.72515L88.0535 18.8175C89.735 20.7616 92.3945 21.5575 94.8726 20.8334L113.937 15.2627L116.844 35.1249C117.215 37.6551 119.008 39.7646 121.477 40.5072L140.538 46.2416L132.335 64.5711C131.29 66.9054 131.676 69.6411 133.338 71.5929L146.323 86.8476L129.617 97.7839C127.466 99.1918 126.335 101.715 126.686 104.246L129.441 124.153L109.575 124.232C106.993 124.242 104.674 125.762 103.609 128.092L95.2875 146.302L78.5562 135.538C76.3886 134.143 73.6114 134.143 71.4438 135.538L54.7126 146.302L46.3915 128.093C45.3263 125.762 43.0067 124.242 40.425 124.232L20.5595 124.153L23.3144 104.246C23.6647 101.715 22.5339 99.1918 20.3832 97.7839L3.67714 86.8475L16.6625 71.5929C18.3239 69.6411 18.7099 66.9054 17.6652 64.5711L9.46246 46.2416L28.5235 40.5072C30.9917 39.7646 32.7853 37.6551 33.1556 35.1249L36.0627 15.2627L55.1274 20.8334C57.6055 21.5575 60.2651 20.7616 61.9465 18.8175ZM146.587 87.1577C146.586 87.1572 146.586 87.1568 146.586 87.1563L146.587 87.1577ZM146.67 86.6203C146.671 86.6199 146.671 86.6195 146.672 86.6191L146.67 86.6203ZM54.3022 146.566C54.3026 146.566 54.3029 146.566 54.3033 146.566L54.3022 146.566Z" stroke="black" stroke-width="7"/> </g> <path d="M75 42C56.7794 42 42 56.7794 42 75C42 93.2206 56.7794 108 75 108C93.2206 108 108 93.2206 108 75C108 56.7794 93.2206 42 75 42ZM93.6522 79.3043C93.6522 80.1675 93.0805 80.7391 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110.575 123.208 112.475 123.233 114.955V118.357ZM119.564 114.625C119.564 113.093 119.353 111.98 118.93 111.286C118.515 110.584 117.863 110.232 116.975 110.232C116.111 110.232 115.472 110.567 115.058 111.235C114.651 111.896 114.436 112.932 114.41 114.346V118.84C114.41 120.346 114.613 121.468 115.02 122.204C115.434 122.932 116.094 123.296 117 123.296C117.897 123.296 118.545 122.945 118.942 122.242C119.34 121.54 119.548 120.465 119.564 119.018V114.625ZM138.163 118.357C138.163 120.913 137.634 122.868 136.576 124.223C135.518 125.577 133.969 126.254 131.93 126.254C129.915 126.254 128.375 125.59 127.309 124.261C126.242 122.932 125.696 121.028 125.671 118.548V115.146C125.671 112.564 126.204 110.605 127.271 109.268C128.345 107.93 129.89 107.262 131.904 107.262C133.919 107.262 135.459 107.926 136.525 109.255C137.592 110.575 138.138 112.475 138.163 114.955V118.357ZM134.494 114.625C134.494 113.093 134.283 111.98 133.859 111.286C133.445 110.584 132.793 110.232 131.904 110.232C131.041 110.232 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