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Cloud hosting questions


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IPB cloud hosting still remains largely a mystery to me. Here are some of the things I still don't understand clearly.

1. a way to determine what media storage I will need. I currently have a invision installed on a dedicated server, which folder/db table I check to find out ?

2. If I pick a plan and it turns out it is not sufficient, can I switch?

3. I currently have elastic search installed on the server. I understand that in a cloud setup I will need to use the software's own search? if so, how that will impact search features and performance?

4. we have social sign in enabled on the forum, many accounts use google, fb to sign in into the forum. Can we continue to use social sign-in after switching to cloud hosting with you?

Thank you.

Also, I really think you should come up with a tool that can give clients on a dedicated environment some idea what would be the best cloud hosting plan for them, show some features comparison etc.

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1 hour ago, virap said:

1. a way to determine what media storage I will need. I currently have a invision installed on a dedicated server, which folder/db table I check to find out ?

You would want to check your attachment folders. By default, this is the uploads folder.

1 hour ago, virap said:

2. If I pick a plan and it turns out it is not sufficient, can I switch?

If it is not sufficient, we will work with you to upgrade to the next one. It is in both our best interest to do so 🙂 .

1 hour ago, virap said:

3. I currently have elastic search installed on the server. I understand that in a cloud setup I will need to use the software's own search? if so, how that will impact search features and performance?

For most communities, fulltext MySQL search is more than ample. For our higher community plans, it may be possible to run ElasticSearch, we can get you in touch with our sales team if this is something you desire.

1 hour ago, virap said:

4. we have social sign in enabled on the forum, many accounts use google, fb to sign in into the forum. Can we continue to use social sign-in after switching to cloud hosting with you?

Yes, all software features stay the same.


If you have any further questions, I am happy to get you in touch with someone on our sales team so that we can get a more involved discussion for your migration to Cloud 🙂 .

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Thank you. It appears that the Creator Pro is sufficient for our use.

When I run [root@server ~]# du -h /home/enotal1/public_html/uploads I can see that the overall size of the uploads folder is 659M so the creator pro's media storage should work.

Any way to wave or discount the $250 migration fee? Or at least give us some credit for the active/paid license unused term we currently have?


Edited by virap
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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you very much everyone. The migration was completed and everything works normally.

One question I have is how we do we create an email account for sending/receiving emails? Where the smpt settings can be found so we configure our email clients for receiving/sending emails.

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What about receiving? How do we on a cloud platform receive emails sent to our emial@domain.com

For that to work, we will need an ability to create the email address on the cloud platform, configure our clients based on the smtp setting etc.

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You would need to install from System->Site Features->Applications as you have all applications now you are on cloud 🙂 

 With regard sendgrid, you can set up sendgrid in System>Site Features->Integrations, but that is not incoming emails. Thats outgoing. With incoming email, you would need to speak to email providers on that. The only incoming emails on your site itself are those which go into the support. If you are referring to general emails, we do not provide an email service for your domain.

Most people, if wanting email related to their domain, will set up an external service (office 365 tends to be a popular one) and then send us the domain entries that are required for their email. We can of course set up any domain entries required on your domain

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1 minute ago, Jim M said:

I've hidden your DNS entries you've provided here and moved this to a ticket. You can submit a support ticket for us to add entries to your DNS for you 🙂 .

The only way to do this is not through email? if so, how I do it when we have no access to our incoming email ?

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1 minute ago, virap said:

The only way to do this is not through email? if so, how I do it when we have no access to our incoming email ?

If you have email setup on your domain, you would need to provide us the DNS entries to have that function. Our software would not provided that. Till then, I would advise changing your email on file so that you can communicate with us over a ticket, as DNS entries are rather private in nature and shouldn't be communicated over an open forum.

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Just wanted to wanted to let you know here, if you didn't get our email, we were able to add these records to your DNS for you.

In the mean time, if you are needing any further records added to your DNS, you may choose to setup an alternate contact account with a gmail (or other email service). Can see this to set that up: https://invisioncommunity.com/4guides/getting-started/giving-your-staff-access-r366/ . This way you can interact with us over email in a private manner to set these up 🙂 .


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