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Questions about Clubs and Mails

Go to solution Solved by Jim M,

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I have some questions or settings. I do not find it so i dont know if it is possible or not. 

First ,  is that possible to limit the creation of clubs to only some group ? 
I want that only certain groups can create clubs not everyone.

Another thing, is it possible to prevent certain groups from sending me private messages or to maybe block the possibility to send me private messages ?

Thank you

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If you edit any group and look on the social tab, you will see you can set whether or not a group can create clubs, and even limit to different types if needed

With regard PMs there isnt a way in which to do this at present. We do have the ability to disable the PM system coming in the next release

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You could use IPS webhooks and Zapier to accomplish this.

unfortunately it will require a paid plan because Webhooks are only available in their paid plans.

3 hours ago, D-Trox said:

Is that possible to give Role / group when somoene join the club and remove it if the member quit the club ? 

thank you

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