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I am doing some automated posts to a forum via the API and  the body is going to be an iframe is there a way to have the height of the iframe adjust automatically to the source?


Solved by Jimi Wikman

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I have moved this to our developer forum, as this isnt really a support question here.

  • Solution
On 1/1/2022 at 11:33 PM, Ocean West said:

I am doing some automated posts to a forum via the API and  the body is going to be an iframe is there a way to have the height of the iframe adjust automatically to the source?


Not unless you somehow can provide the content height with the content.

Basically what you do is add a hole in your site and place some content behind that hole. The size of the hole will be whatever you set on your site. Whatever happens on the other side of that hole is out of your control.

If you want, you can try to use JavaScript to manipulate the iframe. My experience with it is not so great, but there are some solutions that might work for you.

This might be a starting point:

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