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Do l have to use my own email, for sending out warnings, etc


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Found out today that my own email will be used, when sending out warnings and such, and l was wondering what others have done?

Or more to the point, have l missed something and there is somewhere in the CP/Admin where l can assign the site name email address?

I don't really want to use one of my primary emails for a troll l have to ban for example, (l would get spammed to death).

Counldn't find anything in the tutorial.



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on a related issue.

How can bulk emails be sent using a selected outgoing email address. We have several email accounts (President, VP, Admin, Membership) and would like the outgoing email address be based on what the subject is - I.E. Membership related bulk email would come back to the membership, President related bulk mail to the president email etc. Right now it all goes out under one email address and has to be sorted through by everyone when people reply to the bulk mailing.

The only way I can see to do this right now is to change the outgoing email setting before a bulk mailing is composed which is prone to errors.


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On 1/20/2021 at 9:06 AM, bfarber said:

There is no built in option (beyond what you are already doing) to adjust the outgoing email address on a per-email (or bulk mail) basis. There is only a single outgoing email address setting which is used for all outgoing emails.

Thanks for the confirmation, that seems so easy to implement and would be useful. I guess not many use the bulk email function. I'll look for the suggestions thread to propose it.

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