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How to show going number in Calendar widget?


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I really don't think it's an issue of 1 minute or 5 minutes.

Btw, my ACP already set at 1 minute.

There seems to be huge delay over 6-7 hours.



9:28 AM RSVP



4:11 RSVP



3:47 guy RSVP




04:22 PM Still showing 3 instead of 5


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1 minute ago, Gauravk said:

Since today morning (6 hours ago) there are 3 RSVP and widget still showing 3 instead of 6.


2 minutes ago, newbie LAC said:

12 hours


	 * @brief	Cache Expiration
	 * @note	We allow this cache to be valid for 12 hours
	public $cacheExpiration = 43200;


That says it all.

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