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Download: (V88)White List Emails 1.0.0

Vince G.

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File Name: (V88)White List Emails 1.0.0
File Submitter: Vadimg88
File Submitted: 06 May 2009
File Category: Modifications

File Name: (V88)White List Emails 1.0.0
Author: Vince
Category: Small-Scale

This modification allows you to allow members to register with only certain email addresses. You can specify the emails allowed trough the ACP and only those emails will be allowed to register with. You can use a '*' as a wild card for an entire domain name. For example '*@gmail.com' will match any email with the gmail.com domain, While 'something@something.com' will match only that email as ok.
You can set if the modification is enabled trough the ACP, What emails are allowed (white list) and the error message that will display when someone tries to register with an email that is not allowed.
Additionally this will work on the UserCP section where a member changes his email address as well.

Price: $15

In order to purchase the modification please use the donation button at my signature to donate the amount required and noted above.

NOTE: Please wait up to 48 hours before asking and emailing me about when you will receive the modification.

Click here to download this file

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