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Download: IPB 2.1.x - Enhanced CAPTCHA Security Codes


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File Name: IPB 2.1.x - Enhanced CAPTCHA Security Codes
File Submitter: RobertMidd
File Submitted: 27 Sep 2006
File Category: Modifications

More sites are reporting a lot of spam posts and this is down to spam bots auto registering on forums and using OCR (optical character recognition) to get past the registration code (CAPTCHA).

This is easily done in IPB as the code is always black and each individual number of the code is positioned in the same place in the security image as in this example

IPB Image

This mod allows for a more enchanced CAPCHA code for GD1 & GD2 as shown below


IPB ImageIPB Image

You will see that the characters are random colo(u)rs and randomly positioned in different places. For the GD2 image, these are also randomly angled and use a random font size for each charachter.

This mod installs both the GD1 & GD2 versions.

For a more enhanced GD2 version (see below) then please visit http://www.planetcweb.com/secimg

IPB Image

Click here to download this file


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