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suggestions on changes for IPB 3.0

Guest Energizer

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I'd like to be able to copy posts.

I'd like to be able to pin a topic and have it appear pinned at the top of all forums, ie a board-wide announcement.

There's an announcement system in IPB already (accessible from your user control panel for admins and supermods) that can make "announcements" that appear in every forum (or in selected forums).
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Not sure what the fuss over IP's is. I think there's a lot of basics that need putting right:

1. Better control over attachments. I've got the attachment limit set at 2mb. This means that members can post high resolution images. Should be able to restrict images by resolution and file size but still allow larger zip files etc.

2. Can't mass delete attachments. To clean up attachments they need to be deleted by selecting each one individually. We can search for attachments by specified criteria but we can't delete by criteria

3. Should be built in Links system or IPS produced Links system. Any site worth its salt has a Links system. The bFarber Links system is okay but not an official IPS product and needs a few more bells and whistles.

4. As someone mentions a better way to delete old pm's. Shouldn't have to run MySQL queries to do this.

5. The member validating table fills up when people don't respond to validation emails. There should be an automatic clean up of this table after a certain number of hours or days. Again this table needs to be cleaned up manually.

Just a couple off the top of my head.


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It would be awesome to have a feature to copy forum permissions while creating a forum and also have an option to inherit from parent forum if it is a child forum because to me the check marks are tedious.

I would REALLY like to see an inherit feature. That would be such a HUGE relief.
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