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Are they going to publicly release Converge when this RC comes out? Because some people may upgrade their live boards to RC1 and I, for one, would like to link my sites and see how it works. Plus shouldn't it be tested a little before its final release anyway?


I hope so, but I don't think there has been any official word on this.

Was Converge even MENTIONED in the original IPB 2.2 announcement made a couple weeks ago?

  • 2 weeks later...

I believed that Coverge was going to be released once 2.2 FINAL was released.

Remember, that this is only RC1, there will be an offical annoucement when/if another RC will be realised or when the final version is completed; I would assume that a Coverge annoucement would be tied into this, or would follow.


Well as I've just read, there is RC2 in Private BETA testing.... So, it all depends on what bugs are found.

Well the private beta testers must be using RC2 because there are bug reports for it by .Logan.

I would predict that it isn't far away. Remember, that Converge is designed to work with version 2.2, so I would assume after the most stable version is released, (either an RC or the final) that Converge would be released.

All assumptions :)

Its being tested under private release. We may not even get a beta of it until RC2 or even later then that. As long as it allows you to link a 2.2 and 2.1.x board I'll be happy with it. Because if it only works with 2.2+ board, then really what was the point of adding all of the settings for it in 2.1.x?


It will only work for 2.2+

"Converge" in 2.1, was a mini-scale version. The Converge application being released alongside 2.2 requires a converge_local folder which doesn't exist in 2.1. That said, it *may* be possible to backport the converge_local folder, and make some modifications to the login system, to get it working with 2.1 - don't expect it to be too easy though. :)

  • Management

Yeah, the trouble is within the IPB 2.1.x architecture; specifically a small bug where it asks for an email address, even though converge has stored the converge email address.


Well thats a let down. I only plan to upgrade my RPG board to 2.2 (which is not open yet) and leave my main site at 2.1 as 2.2 has nothing really my community needs right now. A few things here and there but not to where I risk lot of my mods and hacks I have installed to not work. I want to at least give it a few months before I do that. I was hoping to to port my users from 2.1 to 2.2 so that all my members will be able to be on my rpg site.

I looked for a mod to do this between two 2.1 boards but nope where found other then one which end up dieing when the mod author closed his site down. At this point I'm really to pay for a mod like this either if IPS made it or if another made it. Because it be very useful for me to have and while I'm sure I could code it myself, I just don't have the time to do at the moment.


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