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"Online Today" Feature

Guest Daryl.

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Most boards using various software like to have a list, under the active user list that states who has been online in the past 24 hours. A really awesome feature of IPB 2.2, would be to have this pre-installed and able to activate through the ACP.

Would this be possible to add to the software?

Many thanks,



I dont really like it enough to say it should be default. An di am someone with probably 100 modifications on my site (including minor ones) and that is one I DON'T use. lol I guess aminly because I hate the board index having so much stuff. Maybe if it is collapsable.... Maybe each section of the board stats should be collapsable actually too.

I do use the mod showing who has been in a TOPIC during a day. But I am starting to think that is pretty wasteful also, unless maybe I start using it only for admins to see.


Yeah this is one of the most used mods for invision forum. I have used it since the 1x versions also and I think this should be something made within the product. We have users online since X set of time so why not online today ?


I've requested this feature before too but didn't go so well. Last reply by "bfarber"

Who is shows who is online right then (who is in the sessions table).

To show who WAS online, you need to record that, which means recording all visits, which ends up filling up quickly on a large site...

Don't get me wrong...on most sites I ran for personal fun, I installed the mod too. :P It's fine on an average board. But it's just not something that really needs to be there by default.


I bet most people that says "NO" would use it if IPS set this as default feature in IPB with "ON & OFF" option in ACP. Whoever has a BIG FAT forum can easily turn it off if they don't want to use it. and you can't justify everything by thinking about the "CORPORATE & BUSINESS" forum owners only.


But it's one of my most popular mods. Think of my download count. :(

I kept thinking you were someone else and using FuSoYa's avatar. lol

Anyway, IPB has used several things for 2.2 which were your mods already. :) They honestly should have done the group name indicator themselves also, and have it collapsable maybe.

The more mods they add, the happier I am since it is usually a mod I have used myself and would have to otherwise edit files for.

If a mod can be turned off, and it is wanted then what is the problem?

Obvisouly they can't start adding every mod which has been used 100 times or something like that, but if it is popular like the Members Online Today, Group Name Indicator, and maybe even the Shoutbox then I think it should be added.


Personally, I'd like to see the member's online today feature added into IPB but I can see that not everyone will use it or even care for it. :)


Most boards using various software like to have a list, under the active user list that states who has been online in the past 24 hours. A really awesome feature of IPB 2.2, would be to have this pre-installed and able to activate through the ACP.

Would this be possible to add to the software?

Many thanks,


I agree mate.


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