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REST API Documentation


Create an entry

For requests using an OAuth Access Token for a particular member, any parameters the user doesn't have permission to use are ignored (for example, locked will only be honoured if the authenticated user has permission to lock topics).


Name Type Description
Required blog int The ID number of the blog the entry should be created in
Required author int The ID number of the member creating the entry (0 for guest). Required for requests made using an API Key or the Client Credentials Grant Type. For requests using an OAuth Access Token for a particular member, that member will always be the author
Required title string The entry title
Required entry string The entry content as HTML (e.g. "<p>This is a blog entry.</p>"). Will be sanatized for requests using an OAuth Access Token for a particular member; will be saved unaltered for requests made using an API Key or the Client Credentials Grant Type.
draft bool If this is a draft
prefix string Prefix tag
tags string Comma-separated list of tags (do not include prefix)
date datetime The date/time that should be used for the entry date. If not provided, will use the current date/time. Ignored for requests using an OAuth Access Token for a particular member
ip_address string The IP address that should be stored for the entry/post. If not provided, will use the IP address from the API request. Ignored for requests using an OAuth Access Token for a particular member
locked int 1/0 indicating if the entry should be locked
hidden int 0 = unhidden; 1 = hidden, pending moderator approval; -1 = hidden (as if hidden by a moderator)
pinned int 1/0 indicating if the entry should be pinned
featured int 1/0 indicating if the entry should be featured
category int The blog entry category
poll_title string Poll title (to create a poll)
poll_public int 1/0 indicating if the poll is public
poll_only int 1/0 indicating if this a poll-only topic
poll_options array Array of objects with keys 'title' (string), 'answers' (array of objects with key 'value' set to the choice) and 'multichoice' (int 1/0)
anonymous bool If 1, the item will be posted anonymously.


Code Message Description
1B300/2 NO_BLOG The blog ID does not exist
1B300/3 NO_AUTHOR The author ID does not exist
1B300/4 NO_TITLE No title was supplied
1B300/5 NO_CONTENT No content was supplied
1B300/A NO_PERMISSION The authorized user does not have permission to create an entry in that blog


Name Type Description
id int ID number
title string Title
blog blog object Blog
author member object The member that created the entry
draft bool If this entry is a draft
date datetime Date
entry string Entry content
comments int Number of comments
views int Number of posts
prefix string The prefix tag, if there is one
tags array of strings The tags
locked bool Entry is locked
hidden bool Entry is hidden
future bool Will be published at a future date?
pinned bool Entry is pinned
featured bool Entry is featured
poll poll object Poll data, if there is one
url string URL
rating float Average Rating
category category object Category

blog object

Name Type Description
id int ID number
name string Name
description string Description
owner member object If the blog is owned by a single member, the member
groups array of group objects If the blog is owned by groups, an array of the groups
pinned bool If the blog is pinned
entries int Number of entries
comments int Number of comments
url string URL
category \IPS\blog\Category|NULL Category, or NULL for club blogs

member object

Name Type Description
id int ID number
name string Username
title string Member title
timezone string Member timezone
formattedName string Username with group formatting
primaryGroup group object Primary group
secondaryGroups array of group objects Secondary groups
email string Email address
joined datetime Registration date
registrationIpAddress string IP address when registered
warningPoints int Number of active warning points
reputationPoints int Number of reputation points
photoUrl string URL to photo (which will be the site's default if they haven't set one)
photoUrlIsDefault bool Indicates if the value of photoUrl is the site's default
coverPhotoUrl string URL to profile cover photo (will be blank if there isn't one)
profileUrl string|null URL to profile
validating bool Whether or not the validating flag is set on the member account
posts int Number of content item submissions member has made
lastActivity datetime|null Last activity date on the site.
lastVisit datetime|null Last distinct visit date on the site.
lastPost datetime|null Latest content submission date.
profileViews int Number of times member's profile has been viewed
birthday string Member birthday in MM/DD/YYYY format (or MM/DD format if no year has been supplied).
customFields array of fieldgroup objects Custom profile fields. For requests using an OAuth Access Token for a particular member, only fields the authorized user can view will be included
rank array of rank objects Rank
achievements_points int Points
allowAdminEmails bool Whether or not this member wants to receive admin emails
completed bool Whether or not the registration is completed

group object

Name Type Description
id int ID number
name string Name
formattedName string Name with formatting

fieldgroup object

Name Type Description
name string Group name
fields array of field objects Fields

field object

Name Type Description
name string Field name
value string Value

rank object

Name Type Description
id int ID number
name string Name
url string Path to the rank icon
points int Points

poll object

Name Type Description
id int ID number
title string Title
startDate datetime Start Date
closed bool Closed
closedDate datetime Closed Date
public bool Public poll
votes int Number of votes
questions array of question objects The questions

question object

Name Type Description
question string The question
options object Each of the options and how many votes they have had

category object

Name Type Description
id int ID number
name string Name
url string URL
class string Node class
position int Node order
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