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Staff and Moderation

Multiple tools are available to you and your Moderators to ensure a friendly, welcoming community.

8 guides in this category

  1. Charles ·
    Once you have installed your suite you will will likely want to set up some members of staff to moderate the different areas of your suite, and maybe other members who can assist you with various administration functions. These people are referred to as Moderators and Administrators. Before we go into the setup of these, its important to understand the difference between Administrators and Moderators. At its most basic, Administrators are those members who can access areas of your AdminCP.
  2. Marc ·
    On the front end of your community, moderators can moderate your site depending on the permissions that you have given them to do so. Moderation can be done at an item level, or the level of its container. For example you may moderate individual posts from the topic screen, or moderate topics from the forum screen. Content Moderation Whilst within a post or topic, if you hover over the topic or post you wish to moderate you will see a checkbox appear in the top right of that it
  3. Marc ·
    When moderating content, it will often be a good idea to be able to add a staff note to that conversation, either for other staff only, or for your members to see. This can be done using staff notes. https://invisioncommunity.com/4guides/staff-and-moderation/creating-administrators-and-moderators-r31/ Any member who is a moderator on the site can use staff notes, provided they have permission for that feature. For more information on setting up moderator permissions, please see the fol
  4. Charles ·
    On an active community you will find yourself often doing the same moderation actions or posting the same reply quite often. Problems might be: Members often posting topics in the wrong forum Locking a topic with a reply of "resolved" when you fix an issue Adding a prefix or suffix to a topic that's important There are many time saving ways to use Saved actions and a whole list of options you can select. Below is an example where we have created a quick saved action to
  5. Marc ·
    Administrator and Moderator logs are an important part of your IPS Community Suite. These will allow you to check who was responsible for an action within your community, for example someone hiding a post or deleting a member. Where to find them You can find the moderator and administrator logs by visiting "Members>Staff" and either Moderators or Administrators within that section. Within each of these you will see a button for logs in the top left of the page.
  6. Marc ·
    Creating a staff directory for you community can be useful for all sorts of reason. Maybe just so that your members can see the staff just at a glance, or maybe you run a gaming community where the Staff may actually be staff within your game. Whatever the reason, you can create a staff directory with ease in the IPS4 Admin CP. Creating a Directory To add a staff directory, visit Members>Staff>Staff Directory, from within your admin CP. By default you will first see this
  7. Marc ·
    The moderator CP can be accessed by clicking on your name and selecting ModeratorCP on the front end of your site. This is a central place for the moderators on your site to manage items which need attention, along with other useful moderation tools.       Reported Content The reported content section will show you any content that has been reported by your members on the site. You can click into any of these to view the content of the report or select them for m
  8. Marc ·
    The warning system allows you a system in which to warn your members of unwanted actions on your site, and act upon those warnings automatically via the system, or by moderator action.  Setting Up Warning Setting up warning system on your site has 3 sections. Reasons, actions, and settings. Each of these will be discussed below. This section can be access from Members>Content Moderation>Warnings within your admin area. Reasons When you first enter the ar