Notifications are a great way for your users to be notified when things happen around your community. This may be that a user has been quoted, someone has mentioned them in a post, someone has commented on a photo and more.
Notification Icon
When a member signs up to your community, they will have default settings for notifications based on what you set up within your admin cp. If you visit
you will be presented with the following screen.From here you can set default notifications when a member signs up by editing each type and setting as appropriate, along with what type of notification they will receive and whether or not they can edit the setting themselves on the front end.
Clicking on the "Prune Settings" button at the top, you will also be given the ability to set limitations as to how long these will be stored, along with being able to automatically remove follows after a set period. This may be important in large communities to ensure there are not large volumes of un-required notifications being sent out.
On the front end, your members will see notifications based on the criteria either by default, or in which they have set up for themselves. Clicking on the notification icon will show the notification list as below.
Notification Sent to a User
From here you can view all of your notifications, change your notification settings, and subscribe to then using the RSS feed should you wish to do so.
Selecting notification settings will allow the member to set up their own options for what they are notified for. Any items which are not allowed to be changed will be greyed out. You can change any item by clicking and editing accordingly.
User Notification Settings
Browser notifications are items which will show within the browser, upon certain actions on the site. These show items such as when you receive a personal message, or if another comment has been to a topic you are currently reading, without you having changed page, or even on some occasions (such as notification sounds), when you are even on the same tab.
When someone first logs onto your site, they will likely be asked by their browser if they would like to allow browser notifications. Without allowing these, no browser notifications will show
Example on Chrome
If a user disallows browser notifications, they will be shown that this is disabled within their notification area on the site. From here, they can click to enable them if they wish to do so.
Option to Activate