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Custom error and maintenance pages

IPS Community Suite has two special pages which exist entirely outside of the normal theme and language systems:

  • error.html 
    Displayed if there is an error so severe it is not possible to display a normal error screen (for example, if your database server is offline, it is not possible to obtain the theme and language details).
  • upgrading.html 
    Displayed while an upgrade is in process.

You create different html pages to be used in these scenarios and instruct IPS Community Suite to use your pages instead. This will ensure that even if the contents of the files are changed in an upgrade, your customizations are maintained. To do this:

  1. Create the html pages as desired, and save them in the root directory of your community's installation.
  2. If you do not already have a constants.php in the root directory of your community's installation, create one with the following contents:


  3. Open constants.php and add the following lines, replacing the names of the html files with the names of the files you have created:

  4. 	define( 'ERROR_PAGE', 'custom_error.html' );
    	define( 'UPGRADING_PAGE', 'custom_upgrading.html' );


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