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Richard Hirtle

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  1. I'm seeing the same issue. My site is in Canada, Ontario. However I cannot change the province from Alberta to Ontario without putting in a full address which i don't want. Not a big deal for me just an annoyance. I'm seeing the same issue. My site is in Canada, Ontario. However I cannot change the province from Alberta to Ontario without putting in a full address which i don't want. Not a big deal for me just an annoyance.
  2. You are most welcome.😀
  3. Thanks Matt. That just got me as a monthly customer. The way i see it, once search clubs is completed we will have a long term relationship. Kudos's to you and the team! I will contact Jim M today!
  4. Filter box, would that work like search To find the name of the club?. If so any idea when it will be added. I am on a trial which expires soon. https://k333610.invisionservice.com/ and search for clubs is my major stumbling block to using invisioncommunity.
  5. Perhaps you can get me an idea of what adding search "Clubs" would cost me. I am running out of time to make a decision.
  6. I put the second up as the new topic was directly asking for the search to be added whilst this one asks if anyone has made a search for clubs. I cannot post to the "Design and customization" forum as trialler. I did make a request to a provider to implement club search and at what cost. I have not heard back.
  7. When a site has many clubs there is no good way to find a particular club. Please reply to this topic and show your interest to developers so we can get it added to the to do list. Thank You!
  8. Is this search on the to do list for 5.0.5 or 5.0.4? If so when do you think it will be done? In the all clubs listing, what is the maximum number of clubs that will show?
  9. I should add that this error is on 5.03 The system will not upgrade my site to 5.05 for some reason.
  10. For me the error surfaced when multiple pages in folder. If I remember correctly it made no difference if they had a parent or not.
  11. Try including only one file and see if that works. It did for me. I got the same errors when using 3 files. That may give the team more info to track the bug.
  12. The exact search I need is currently in AdminCP>clubs>Search Names
  13. Jim the exact search I need is in the AdminCP > clubs > Search Names.
  14. The feedback I got from Jim M was "Clubs are currently not searchable as they are a container, rather than a content piece. You can search content inside a Club but if the Club's name is "Boston" and you search for "Boston", you will not get the Club itself but will get any content which has "Boston" in it. You're welcome to suggest this in our Feedback forum, however though." Imagine 500 clubs to buy a home to live in by city or nearby area. How does a new member find a club in the specific city? Search is the only way and it's not searching clubs. We could do link to page, page. But that's a pain and a lot of attention. Any MacGyver ideas.