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Carole Asselin

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  1. That was an easy check and the existing file is identical. There was no customization to it.
  2. Well, I spoke too soon. After disabling Cloudflare: I still cannot react, I cannot recommend a post can create new threads when I reply, I sometimes get the whole page to appear in the field, and a sign-in button (as if I am not signed in already) and once I do re-sign in, I can post I cleared the system cache, I cleared it in my WP installation too (in case it could affect it). I even tried with a different computer. There must still be something wrong.
  3. Thanks. It looks like Cloudflare IS the culprit. The cPanel upgrade turned out to be a server migration with all the possible changes you can expect, but i was not told of all those. It was supposed to be an upgrade with no disruption. Boy was that wrong. When i disable Cloudflare, everything is fine, so I need to check things there now. Thanks for the help.
  4. I had the host disable the modsecurity on the root and tested on two different browsers, and the same issues are there so i guess it was not related.
  5. The information I have is that ModSecurity is not listed in Cpanel so it was not added BUT it is installed on the Root. Could that be the issue? The mod_pagespeed is not installed.
  6. I have had https for a few years already. I never enabled anything (like mod_security). Is this something that the host would have done? Is it inside the ACP or on the hosting level?
  7. I did clear the system cache, reloaded the site/forum completely, and although I am able to post, I can't "react" and I get a popup saying "Sorry there was a problem reacting to this content". If I try to "recommend", i get a popup saying I don't have permission. What am I missing?
  8. Good news. The hosting tech support was able to read this thread and create the constant.php file for me. It turned out that the login details for Filezille I was using to upload my copy was on the "old server" which is why it was not working. So far, I was able to log in the ACP, and post in the forum without any issue of disappearing posts. I have to say it is hard to get help when both sides don't know/have access to the other's information but in the end, we figured things out thanks to your explanations on this thread.
  9. Oh, and something else that is happening is that once I type in my response, and click Submit, it just vanishes. I tried on Chrome and Firefox. Could that be the same issue as mentioned before?
  10. Thank you. I will ask that. For the issue in posting, I noticed that even though I was logged in my site, scrolling to the very bottom (I thought there would be a "Clear window" bar), it showed me to Sign in or Sign up. I signed in, and it works now. It MIGHT be something affecting the SSO plugin. But i'll address the IP issue first.
  11. I am at the point where it SHOULD be all migrated and such. I still get that IP issue when trying to log in the backend (on Chrome). The last tech support agent for my hosting company was less than helpful. I will try again, but would like to know, at this point, what to ask them. Since they don't typically support outside programs/services, they might not know much about Invision. For illustration purposes, here are the two issues I am facing: https://www.loom.com/share/380547a5bb8e42198ef06fbc236412a7?sid=c614791c-b4f4-470f-bc44-16d3bbed6868 Thank you.
  12. I'll check that. They MIGHT still be working on it.
  13. Yes, everything is on that "invision" folder. Where should I check? That is the only place I have a conf_global.php file.
  14. OK, I managed to log in, using a different browser. Before I click on anything (and get kicked out again), is this where I am supposed to click to be able to clear the cache? Maybe I am clicking the wrong thing?
  15. Yes, i put it in the same folder. It is specified in the instructions you linked to.
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