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The recent visitors block is disabled and is not being shown to other users.

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  1. I just got the same error when I ran the upgrade process today. As you can imagine it raised my blood pressure somewhat 😬. The site seems to be available now and running the upgrade process - fingers crossed it's nothing to do with the upgrade itself....
  2. Still down for us I'm afraid.
  3. Still offline unfortunately. Is this an Invision issue or AWS?
  4. We're on the cloud service and our site has been down for around 15 mins, which is an eternity for a forum as we all know. Is there a known issue and anticipated time to fix? Anything we can do as end-users?
  5. Thanks Jim - that makes total sense now. Appreciate the effort and insight you shared on this.
  6. Is anyone else seeing their Activity Stream block missing today? Ours has unexpectedly disappeared. I can see it using the block manager which suggests it requires configuring - even though it was already configured and working fine beforehand. I've tried re-editing/configuring the block, and I've tried uninstalling then reinstalling the block but it still doesn't seem to work. Any suggestions? FWIW we're on the cloud platform.
  7. So instead of showing "site offline" to a user, you could show "site offline" to a guest IP? If so, that would be very helpful in this case.
  8. As @Nathan Explosion has found, the back-story to this request can be found here. Quite a specific use case, but clearly for the user in question it would be very welcome to know that they can communicate freely without fear of their comments being used against them offline.
  9. Agreed - however my concern over this suggestion is the potential impact that locking down our content behind a registration-wall would have on our SEO ranking. Our community won't continue to grow if we're not easy to find. For additional context, our community began life behind a registration-wall on a different platform and the founding members agreed that taking the forum out into the open was the right thing to do for the long-term future of the community. Hiding our content again would feel like a backwards step, and whilst we want to support the member in question, we can't put their needs over the needs of the community at large... which is why this feature request came to mind - seems like a good solution to help protect our members in specific cases like this without negatively impacting the visibility of the community.
  10. Yep, that is the backstory to this feature request. I realise this is an edge case, but in this instance it would be super helpful for us to be able to block a guest IP.
  11. According to the reply I was given this morning from the IPS helpdesk, guests can still see everything even if their IP address has been banned. The reason I raised the helpdesk query was that I noticed the guest IP which I had "banned" was still looking at different topics even after I had added a Ban Filter for their IP.
  12. I understand that this doesn't work for guests/non-members. They can still see all content? Given that the stalker in question isn't tech savvy (the member knows who the stalker is IRL), an IP ban will "probably" be enough to have them get bored and move off our site. Agreed that it's not a silver bullet for all bad behaviour, but in this case it might just be enough.
  13. We're hosted on the Invision cloud service. Not sure we have the ability to do that?
  14. I understand that there is currently no way to block a guest IP address from viewing forums, which feels out of step with the ability to block registered members who then see nothing of the forum content, so here's a request to add functionality to block guest access by IP address.
  15. And to build on my OP, can anyone share how to ban/block an IP from viewing the site completely? Even they have never signed up as a member?
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