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  1. Hi Jim! ok I spoke to them again and they told me that it seems to be a problem related to SCM Quantcast I have reviewed the universal tag and of course there is a problem because Quantcast recommends putting the tracking script (tag) in the header of the page, in our case we should put it in the template core > front > global > pageHeader Since this is a JS script, we cannot put it in the custom.css that Invisión recommends. Since the latest versions have indicated to us that the theme is better not to modify it. So, to put the Quantcast tag, should we modify the pageHeader as they indicate or can we add it somewhere where it will not be lost with updates? In the past there was this plugin: https://invisioncommunity.com/files/file/9804-ne-quantcastcom-integration/ But it hasn't had any updates for 3 years and I'm not sure it still works. Can you tell me any solution we can have to add the Quantcast tracking tag? thank you!
  2. Thanks for the response, I also contacted them. What surprises me is that it is the same script that worked before the update and right now it doesn't, maybe it's a coincidence
  3. Hello all, We have had video ads for 3 years and this is the first time they have stopped working after the last update. https://foro.clubvwgolf.com/ As you will see, this is the configuration of their disposition: Here you see the label along with the load script. The external script is accessible ( https://static.videoo.tv/53335e80b15a2eb16da6ac7e36fa5467c430fb9fde7cc59d58805c85437ec0d6.js ) The ads.txt file is set as a page and is also accessible ( https://foro.clubvwgolf.com/ads.txt/ ) In this last image you can see by inspecting where the label appears, that the generated source code is indeed correct: Can you help me? I don't know what else to look at, but it worked correctly before. thank you so much Jorge
  4. Hi Michael, Now with the new version the plugin works very well. Thank you for your support! 🙌
  5. Hello Michael. For our part we have updated everything and unfortunately I have to tell you that we are still the same. As you can see, the PHP8 test no longer shows errors, however I have tested the plugin in its latest version and it continues to do the same. I have enabled display only for administrators and if you enter incognito mode, the hidden item is still visible. Note the difference, with admin user you don't see the item, but if you do not logged in the forum, you can view the hidden item 😕 You can view this category here: https://foro.clubvwgolf.com/store/category/6-archivo/
  6. Thanks for the help. This topic help us very much!
  7. Merry Christmas. Any update from this? Now I can get this message: Thank you in advance!
  8. Hello, Apologyze, I can see this: TYPE APP ISSUE METHOD BAD PARAMETER SUBCLASS/HOOK FILE BASE CLASS FILE Plugin Mismatching parameter list \IPS\nexus\Package\Item::getItemsWithPermission() N/A /plugins/hideproductcategories/hooks/commerceItemSource.php:38 /applications/nexus/sources/Package/Item.php:184
  9. Finally it's works and I don't have any error now. Thank you for your help!
  10. Hello Marc, If you already had it configured before. Today I have raised it to 10 days and then I have lowered it again to see if it deleted something. More than anything because the emails are at least 20 days old, but as I told you, I was wearing prune after 2 days and that's why I was messing around. I'll wait until tomorrow to see then, thank you very much!
  11. Hello, Is there a way to clean the error logs completely? If I enter the list, it only gives me the option to forward one by one. But don't delete them. I have the prune email option enabled for more than 2 days and yet I have emails pending there from several months ago. thanks in advance
  12. Hello! Yes, I only have selected an administrators group. So, if you enter with any type of user, you don't view the category But if you enter the store in incognito mode: For security we have deactivated the sale of the products. But we want to keep that category historical for future occasions and products that will go on sale on a certain date. With this problem it is impossible for us since they can be seen anyway. Best regards
  13. Hello! Thank you, the plugin works very well, but I have a question. In the incognito mode of the browser, I still see the items. But any other category of user don't see the items. Is there any way to hide items from Guest users other than blocking access to the store? thank you!
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