Pages SuperHelp support topic
IP does not affect, there are only fields for one language in the template, and it should support multilingualism. It is not possible to record in 2 languages
Pages SuperHelp support topic
Please modify the plugin. Use multilingual fields for header and content
Pages SuperHelp support topic
Hello, you don't use multilingual forum in your templates. I want to inform you that the forums use several languages)).
Problems with license renewal!!!
Thanks for the extended response
Problems with license renewal!!!
Hello, I can't renew my license. You do not accept debit card payments. What should I do?
jQuery Recent Topics Ticker
Hello, I bought a plugin, I have a forum design from the developer https://www.ipsfocus.com/ The result looks bad, the transfer between the avatar and the topic name. I hope for your help!
Forum Collection [Support Topic]
Your tabs are not similar to the tabs in the classical view. Here are the competitors of the ipsviet.com, everything looks good there on any design. I like your ideas and I'm trying to help. For example, I have a design from https://www.ipsfocus.com/ and the tabs look bad.
Forum Collection [Support Topic]
Of course I used it, but the tabs don't look like a tabbar. The competitors look good. I don't have a default forum design this is a continuation of the first sentence
Forum Collection [Support Topic]
Hello, The idea is good, but the plugin requires reconstruction. 1.You need a hybrid solution, you need to make a mix, example, 1tab -posts, 2tab - topic. 2. Incorrect Tabs display, example, as you want https://i.imgur.com/ecyiSxF.jpg but Forum Collection [Tab|Grid] https://i.imgur.com/Q2Tuc8H.jpg 3. You have an advantage over competitors, you can display part of the text from new topics.
Menu PLUS [Support Topic]
I want to supplement the sentence, example, the forum is multilingual en, de, es, you need to show the logo in the menu plus from the language selection on the forum: Hello, Hallo, Hola
Forum Collection [Support Topic]
This is the problem of inserting all widgets((
Forum Collection [Support Topic]
I understand that)) I need such a scheme and it is impossible to do it by default, only up or down Forum Section 1 Forum Collection [Tab|Grid] 1.1.3 Forum Section 2 Forum Section 3 Ready to buy for $40 as a separate plugin
Menu PLUS [Support Topic]
thank you, I will be waiting for the new version
Forum Collection [Support Topic]
Hi, here's your screenshot The plugin is located between the forum sections. Question: How did you do it? Standard ISP tools do not know how to place widgets inside sections Question No. 2 sorry not in this topic Where can I buy this plugin from you?
Menu PLUS [Support Topic]
Yes)), that's right, I'm going to use it as an advertisement, an example
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