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  1. A moderator merged two threads the other way around. One very recent with one post and the other one, a long thread with thousands of posts a few months old. Obviously the idea was to merge the 1 thread post into the larger one but the opposite was done and now the larger thread inherited the thread name of the recent one. Is renaming the thread with the old name my only option here or can this be reversed to how things were initially before he merge? Thank you.
  2. Ok guys I found the source of the problem. This is el defo an issue with Invision backend. This is also why this invisioncommunity forum does not experience this issue. They have the "Paste as rich text initially, but allow user to paste as plain text instead." enabled. Anyone else experiencing the duplicating image issue like us is because they have the "Always paste as plain text" enabled. I was able to replicate this in all the browsers I tested. Invision can you please fix this? Thank you.
  3. I did some further testing on MAC. I personally never use the CTRL+C>CTRL+V method so I didn't check previously but the issue is also very much present under MAC OS. I compiled all browsers I used to test this with both methods (CTRL+C>CTRL+V and Drag/Drop). This is very odd. In some instances it's the CTRL+C>CTRL+V and in other instances it's the Drag/Drop that generate these duplicates. Here is a summary of my findings and they can be reproduced consistently. None of the browers I used have addins/addons. I also tried doing the same test on this Invisionscommunity forum but this does not occur in none of the browser. However, with Firefox and Firefox based browsers (WaterFox and Tor) the CTRL+C>CTRL+V does not work. No picture is pasted. Only the file name. This does not seem like an end user related configuration issue.
  4. I got some feedback from one of the user/moderator who is experiencing this behavior. He says that the issue will sometimes disappear for a while then return unexpectedly. No changes are being made on the backend when this happens. Thought this could help in debugging.
  5. @Marc Stridgen Sure, here you go: Screen Recording 2022-06-07 at 14.29.34.m4v
  6. Just forgot to say. No third party clipboard manager used in any case scenario. Also happens in Private mode under Firefox.
  7. This is happening to us as well since upgrading to A user is complaining it is happening to him on Chrome. I tried it on both MAC (Safari, Chrome, Firefox etc) and Windows 10 (Chrome) and I wasn't able to replicate it on those browsers. However, I was able to replicate it on Firefox and EDGE on Windows 10. This occurs when doing a drag and drop. Not when using the "Chose file".
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