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  1. HAIF posted a post in a topic in General Questions
    I'm looking for the Terms, as shown in the ACP: I suppose I could copy the Terms and Rules into a Guidelines section, but that risks them becoming out of sync if one is updated.
  2. HAIF posted a post in a topic in General Questions
    I'd like to put a link to my forum's Terms of Service in the forum footer, but the only place I can find the ToS displayed is on a modal window when someone signs up. Is there a hard URL for this?
  3. HAIF posted a post in a topic in Technical Problems
    It seems to be intermittent now. Earlier tonight, nothing. Now, it's there. I was alerted to it by someone trying to register who had the same problem. He sent me a screenshot from Firefox on Windows. I'm on Safari/macOS, so it doesn't appear to be a browser issue. Perhaps something is odd on hCAPTCHA's side. I'll try to remember to check it occasionally and I'll check the console if it happens again.
  4. HAIF posted a post in a topic in Technical Problems
  5. HAIF posted a post in a topic in Technical Problems
    Cool. But I'd rather use hCAPTCHA, to minimize the amount of data fed to Google; and hCAPTCHA isn't showing up at all.
  6. HAIF posted a post in a topic in Technical Problems
    My user registration page isn't showing the hCAPTCHA challenge: Invisible reCAPTCHA shows half an error message: reCAPTCHA V2 seems to work.
  7. Well… that was easy.
  8. The hCAPTCHA challenge isn't showing up on my forum's registration page. Before post about that, I want to set myself to the default Invision theme so I can make sure it's not a theme issue. However, sometime in the last 20 years, the forum's default theme was customized, and there is no clean theme that I can switch myself to. I've looked through the theme, and can't find the customization, so I'd like to upload a fresh version. Where can I download one? Also, every time I upgrade the forum, the forum software complains about what I suppose is my language file. How can I put this right? I can't overwrite files since I'm on Invision Cloud.
  9. Seems to work OK now. FWIW, I was not on a VPN at the time.
  10. Today I logged into my forum, opened the new posts in new tabs, and got this message: I'd expect this from a rinky-dink self-hosted server, but not from Invision Cloud. Is there a place in the ACP to see how often this is happening and to whom? If this is happening to my users, I need to know. Is it possible to expect administrators and/or moderators from rate-limiting? For how long am I banned from my own forum? I've been doing it this way on my forum for the last 22 years, and it's never happened before.
  11. Is there a way to see a tally of active versus archived posts?
  12. I never archived any messages. I know a lot of fora lock and archive messages after a certain amount of time, but I prefer people be able to revisit content because we often discuss things that are a hundred years old, so there may be a lull in the conversation for a few years.
  13. For about 20 years I have been running an Invision forum. Because of its longevity, it has accumulated a lot of posts. Until last week, it was self-hosted. Before moving to Invision Cloud, I noted it had a little over 650,000 posts. Now my Activity Overview shows the forum has 485,536 posts. I just checked the backup of the forum I made before sending the files to Invision, and I see 661,677 posts. Does Invision Cloud tally posts differently from self-hosted?
  14. No hosting company here. Just a plain Ubuntu 20.04 server. I found the solution: Change the owner and group of everything in the forum subdirectory to www-data. sudo chown -R www-data:www-data
  15. Today I tried to upgrade my form to 4.7, and got almost to the end when it gave me the error CANNOT_WRITE .../system/File/FileSystem.php:337 The file in question, and its parent directories all have the same permissions as before, and the installation made it most of the way through before throwing the error. Both "Retry" and "Continue" just loop back to the same error message. I don't see that anyone else in this forum has had a similar problem, so I'm posting this here to see if anyone has any ideas.