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  1. Thanks, would be cool to have
  2. Donations > Donations & Search in the top right.
  3. I've got a feature request, in the Donations page where you see all the donations; if you search for a member could it maybe display a total row so that it just quickly adds up all the amounts?
  4. I have an open support ticket but haven't heard anything regarding it, as donations are not being added to the goal even though they're in the backend and neither are goals resetting correctly. This is prior to the recent update. Anyone know where Mike is? He seems to be inactive the past week.
  5. It was a manual donation that I added and deleted now it's still saying I'm a $ Donor.
  6. Sorry, where is this located? Also, I was testing some stuff and got myself added to $ Donors but I don't seem to be able to remove it currently. Thanks for the awesome app and help!
  7. Hey, Is there anyway to customise the private message that is sent? Thanks!
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