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  1. I am going to be honest, I have no clue how to do any of that. I was handed the forums and when I moved the domain to WordPress, everything went to hell and the forums stopped being accessible entirely. The database is hosted on HostRocket, and at first, going to the site.com/forums would just send you to a, "Page Not Found" WP page. So, created a subdomain (forums.site.com) and have an A DNS through WP to the subdomain with the docroot set to the /domains/site.com/public_html/forums. I also changed the http://www.site.com/forums/ to http://www.forums.site.com in the conf_global.php of the /domains/site.com/public_html/forums which got the forums.site.com to stop redirecting to the site front page on WP, but I am unsure of what else I need to do to get the forums to come back up again. Any assistance or direction would be appreciated. 🤕
  2. I went through the process to change the URL associated with the license we currently hold, and there was no place to actually change the URL. It went through, as now I am being made to pay $15 for another attempt when the first one was free, but again, I never got the opportunity to change it. How do I go about rectifying this? We are currently unable to access our forums due to a domain change.
  3. Aha! We were supposed to have updated to it but apparently, it was not completed yet. I was looking at the wrong line when I double checked that. Thank you for the catch.
  4. I purchased the "Brilliant Discord Integration" app but it is not showing up in my Marketplace to install. Even with following the exact directions from the download file button, it is still not coming up in the marketplace to install after purchasing. I am also having issues with Marketplace finding RolePlay even though I already have it installed.
  5. Both the front and back end of our forums are down and unable to be accessed. We contacted the host to see if there was something on their end and they said everything was running fine and was something with Invision. I guess our email capabilities ran out 18 days ago, but we have a fully active license that isn't due to renew until later this year. How should I go about resolving this issue?