Report API fails with a fatal error if the content has already been reported
The bug still exists on 4.7.20 (107802) (I have no visibility into v5, but I'm guessing this code hasn't changed) Error: Object of class IPS\Member could not be converted to string (0) #0 /opt/forum/system/Db/Select.php(407): IPS\_Db->preparedQuery() #1 /opt/forum/system/Db/Select.php(465): IPS\Db\_Select->runQuery() #2 /opt/forum/system/Db/Select.php(389): IPS\Db\_Select->rewind() #3 /opt/forum/system/Content/Api/CommentController.php(505): IPS\Db\_Select->first() #4 /opt/forum/applications/forums/api/posts.php(346): IPS\Content\Api\_CommentController->_report() #5 /opt/forum/system/Api/Controller.php(180): IPS\forums\api\_posts->POSTitem_report() #6 /opt/forum/system/Dispatcher/Api.php(345): IPS\Api\_Controller->execute() #7 /opt/forum/api/index.php(11): IPS\Dispatcher\_Api->run() #8 {main}Fix should be diff --git a/system/Content/Api/CommentController.php b/system/Content/Api/CommentController.php index 3e68f7acf..a37aef50a 100644 --- a/system/Content/Api/CommentController.php +++ b/system/Content/Api/CommentController.php @@ -502,7 +502,7 @@ public function _report( $id ): \IPS\Api\Response try { $index = \IPS\core\Reports\Report::loadByClassAndId( \get_class( $object ), $object->$idColumn ); - $report = \IPS\Db::i()->select( '*', 'core_rc_reports', array( 'rid=? and report_by=? and date_reported > ?', $index->id, $member, time() - ( \IPS\Settings::i()->automoderation_report_again_mins * 60 ) ) )->first(); + $report = \IPS\Db::i()->select( '*', 'core_rc_reports', array( 'rid=? and report_by=? and date_reported > ?', $index->id, $member->member_id, time() - ( \IPS\Settings::i()->automoderation_report_again_mins * 60 ) ) )->first(); /* They have aleady reported, so do nothing */ throw new \IPS\Api\Exception( 'REPORTED_ALREADY', '1S425/C', 404 );
[4.x] Mysql search code uses column that isn't loaded
Yes, I verified that this bug exists in 107801
[4.x] Mysql search code uses column that isn't loaded
\IPS\Content\Search\MySql::resetLastComment you do $latest = \IPS\Db::i()->select( 'index_object_id, index_date_updated, index_class', 'core_search_index', array( \IPS\Db::i()->in( 'index_class', $classes ) . ' AND index_item_id=? and index_hidden=0', $indexItemId ), 'index_date_created DESC', array( 0, 1 ) )->first();Followed later by \IPS\Db::i()->update( 'core_search_index', array( 'index_date_updated' => $latest['index_date_updated'], 'index_date_commented' => $latest['index_date_commented'] ), array( \IPS\Db::i()->in( 'index_class', $classes ) . ' AND index_item_id=? AND index_object_id=?', $indexItemId, ( $firstCommentId ?? $indexItemId ) ) );but index_date_commented was not loaded in the query, so this line fails IN_DEV with an array index not found exception.
Bug in lightbox handling for images not wrapped in a link
In places where there are multiple content items displayed together, such as an activity feed, some items' images get grouped together in the lightbox, while others are are isolated. This is because in ips.core.lightboxedImages.js::addOrUpdateWrappingLink, `self` has not been defined within } else if( !closestLink.length ) { image.wrap( $( '<a href="' + imageSrc + '"' + " title='" + ips.getString('enlargeImage') + "' data-fileId='" + fileId + "'data-wrappedLink data-ipsLightbox data-ipsLightbox-group='" + self._random + "'></a>" ) ); } and thus falls back to globalThis.self, which doesn't have an _random attribute, so the attribute gets set to undefined. I'm not sure why some uploaded images are being wrapped in a link and others are not - that also feels a bit weird.
Pressing enter twice does not exit out of quotes on firefox
In firefox, pressing enter twice does not break out of quotes. This did used to work, and still does on Chrome, although I'm not sure why it did given the code involved was last changed 4 and 10 years ago in ipsquote and ckeditor respectively. It seems to be because the regex that removes the bogus <br/> does not account for the type="_moz" attribute that is added when running in firefox. Here's a fix that seems to work for me: diff --git a/applications/core/dev/ckeditor/plugins/ipsquote/plugin.js b/applications/core/dev/ckeditor/plugins/ipsquote/plugin.js index b26116dd..9404a002 100644 --- a/applications/core/dev/ckeditor/plugins/ipsquote/plugin.js +++ b/applications/core/dev/ckeditor/plugins/ipsquote/plugin.js @@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'ipsquote', { var paragraphContent = selectedElement.getHtml(); // We are going to ignore <br> tags, but only one (if there are more than one don't ignore) - paragraphContent = paragraphContent.replace( /\<br\>/, '' ); + paragraphContent = paragraphContent.replace( /\<br( [^>]*)?\>/, '' ); // Ignore empty span tags paragraphContent = paragraphContent.replace( /\<span.*?\>\s*?\<\/span\>/g, '' ); Originally reported to me by a user.
Switch to globally accessible recatpcha domain
I will have a look at that, although it would still be great if you could make this drop-in change to fix it for everyone.
Switch to globally accessible recatpcha domain
In China, google.com is blocked, which also affects recaptcha. Google's docs recommend using recaptcha.net rather than google.com to work around that - it should just be a drop-in replacement for the places where you're using google.com for recaptchas. This was flagged to me by a user.
users that are mod queued can edit topics without approval
That's not true today for replies (they get requeued for approval), only new topics. It also defeats the point of content moderation if they can post something ok and later make it bad.
users that are mod queued can edit topics without approval
I shouldn't need to do that though, it works for posts within a topic.
users that are mod queued can edit topics without approval
If a user has content moderation enabled, any new topics or posts need to be approved by a moderator, and any edits to existing non-topic-startong posts. However, editing the topic's original post does not need to be approved. Especially when used to combat spam, this is a pretty big loophole. To reproduce: * Enable content moderation for a user * Have that user post a new topic - moderator approval will be required * Have a moderator approve the topic * Have the user go back and edit that post - moderator approval will incorrectly not be required
uncaught exception when page query param is invalid
https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/topic/475949-uncaught-exception-when-page-query-param-is-invalid/?page=5%0a causes an uncaught exception because it tries to construct it with path /page/5%0a, which is invalid. You already guard other usages of the param with intval, so you probably want that here too.
Breaking changes in minor releases
This change, made in 4.7.12, breaks applications that don't have an extensions.json or that haven't got all their extensions registered there. Any app that created extensions a while ago (and hasn't updated them recently?) will silently have stopped working. diff --git a/system/Application/Application.php b/system/Application/Application.php index 66c5fc8cd..854837fa7 100644 --- a/system/Application/Application.php +++ b/system/Application/Application.php @@ -786,7 +786,6 @@ public function extensions( $app, $extension, $construct=TRUE, $checkAccess=FALS $classes = array(); $jsonFile = $this->getApplicationPath() . "/data/extensions.json"; - $directory = $this->getApplicationPath() . "/extensions/{$app}/{$extension}"; /* New extensions.json based approach */ if ( file_exists( $jsonFile ) and $json = @json_decode( \file_get_contents( $jsonFile ), TRUE ) ) @@ -814,56 +813,6 @@ public function extensions( $app, $extension, $construct=TRUE, $checkAccess=FALS } } } - - /* Legacy DirectoryIterator approach */ - elseif ( is_dir( $directory ) ) - { - $dir = new \DirectoryIterator( $directory ); - - foreach ( $dir as $file ) - { - /* Macs create copies of files with "._" prefix which breaks when we just load up all files in a dir, ignore those */ - if ( !$file->isDir() and !$file->isDot() and mb_substr( $file, -4 ) === '.php' AND mb_substr( $file, 0, 2 ) != '._' ) - { - $classname = 'IPS\\' . $this->directory . '\extensions\\' . $app . '\\' . $extension . '\\' . mb_substr( $file, 0, -4 ); - - /* Check if class exists - sometimes we have to use blank files to wipe out old extensions */ - try - { - if( !class_exists( $classname ) ) - { - continue; - } - - if ( method_exists( $classname, 'deprecated' ) ) - { - continue; - } - } - catch( \ErrorException $e ) - { - continue; - } - - if ( method_exists( $classname, 'generate' ) ) - { - $classes = array_merge( $classes, $classname::generate() ); - } - elseif ( !$construct ) - { - $classes[ mb_substr( $file, 0, -4 ) ] = $classname; - } - else - { - try - { - $classes[ mb_substr( $file, 0, -4 ) ] = new $classname( $checkAccess === TRUE ? \IPS\Member::loggedIn() : ( $checkAccess === FALSE ? NULL : $checkAccess ) ); - } - catch( \RuntimeException $e ){} - } - } - } - } return $classes; } Aren't we past this yet...?
PHP OOMing while computing authorsPostedIn
FastCGI sent in stderr: "PHP message: PHP Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 10485760 bytes) in [...]/system/Node/Statistics.php on line 118" while reading response header from upstream, client: [], server: [], request: "GET /forum/17-[...]/?sortby=views&sortdirection=desc HTTP/2.0" That's in authorsPostedIn. It looks like there's two places where that gets called - computing the content that the current user has posted in, and computing which postedIn indicator to show. The query that gets run for this will load about 260k entries (there are a bunch of topics with a very large range of contributors). I'm surprised that's enough to OOM PHP with 128M memory, but it seems to be the case. For computing content that the current user has posted in, you can do a way more efficient query by filtering by user. For computing the postedIn indicator, you could just skip it entirely on installs where that feature isn't used, but also I think you could make it much more efficient by joining the members in the query to just end up with the group IDs (though that query is probably a bit non-trivial).
Cookies page isn't accessible when account is validating
If the account is validating or partially registered (due to social logins), the cookie page isn't on the allowlist, so users get redirected back to the validating page when they try to view it.
Upgrading doesn't remove the hosting tasks
It looks like someone figured it out today, the 107668 diff appears to fix this now.