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  1. Marc's post in Sign up new member using gmail api was marked as the answer   
    You are not allowing login for front end or the admin CP. If you click the pencil icon, you will see this

  2. Marc's post in Forum attachments point to the old domain was marked as the answer   
    People have manually added links there. You would need redirects from your old domain in order to correct that
  3. Marc's post in Problem sending emails. was marked as the answer   
    You would need to contact your email provider on this issue. If the mail provider neither accepted the message nor provided an error, there is only them who can assist you
  4. Marc's post in "Review files" in permissions : what does it imply ? was marked as the answer   
    It means users can write a review (feedback) on files they have downloaded. 
  5. Marc's post in Does Same Content of Page Database & its equivalent Forum Topic Negatively Effecting SEO of Website was marked as the answer   
    It actually depends. If they are indeed separate items (posted individually) then of course they would be treated differently. If it's a topic posted from pages, then it actually posts a snippet on the topic to the full pages entry. In that respect its really no different to having a snippet and a link on any other page.
    Its worth noting, you should really test this on your trial. Our news pages are really quite customised here, so you may be looking at an example that isnt really representative
  6. Marc's post in Purge Old Uploads was marked as the answer   
    There is no facility that would allow you to do this, no. You could potentially do topics, which would then delete the attachments with it, but thats the only method built in. The system won't allow items to be deleted that is attached to an item of content.
  7. Marc's post in Email issues (this site) was marked as the answer   
    I have created a ticket on this for you. I understand you cannot receive those on your current email address. Do you have another email you can add as an alternative contact on your account? If so, can you please do that and then send me a PM with that email address. I will then copy you in on the ticket
  8. Marc's post in Need help with a runnaway email script was marked as the answer   
    It means that at some point you had pop3 incoming mail set up on commerce, in Commerce>Support
  9. Marc's post in Classifieds are not visible on home page was marked as the answer   
    You would need to contact the author of that application. Classifieds is a 3rd party application
  10. Marc's post in Template problem in moderation mode was marked as the answer   
    I would advise first of all checking on a default unaltered theme. If that is working, then you have a modification to your theme that is causing this issue. If its st ill not working on an unaltered theme, check for any plugins or applications 
  11. Marc's post in What are Bulk Mail Email Clicks exactly? was marked as the answer   
    It's the number of links that have been clicked through from emails. Im not sure what relevance there would be as to how many links there are in an email. If there are 2 (for example) and they click into both, there would be 2 email clicks
  12. Marc's post in Can no longer see Pages to install? was marked as the answer   
    If you have uninstalled it at some point, it would delete freom the directory. You would need to upload a fresh set of files from your client area, and you should then see it available to install again
  13. Marc's post in Redirect in this URL ?usingEditor=1&csrfKey=01c9e6d56e554d83713fa4f4bd1d3f38 was marked as the answer   
    Hope you manage to find what is causing the issue. Im also unable to replicate that on this end 
  14. Marc's post in email notification for an anonymous post shows the name of the OP was marked as the answer   
    Please ensure you are updated to the latest release, you are using default email templates, and that you have no 3rd party items enabled, then test this again. I am unable to replicate this on my end. I actually shows a anonymous guest posting when I test

  15. Marc's post in CTRL-K doesn't work in Ckeditor in IPBoard Community was marked as the answer   
    Likely not, as we use a lot of our own functions
  16. Marc's post in PageSpeed Insights Fix Needed for Link Back to Original Post in Quotes was marked as the answer   
    Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention! I can confirm this should be further reviewed and I have logged an internal bug report for our development team to investigate and address as necessary, in a future maintenance release.
  17. Marc's post in How to hide online Members Block from public? was marked as the answer   
    I believe what you are likely wanted here is guests not to see anything, just based on what I can see there. if so, you would go to the guests group, and switch "Can access site" off. They would then only see the login
  18. Marc's post in Wiki Style Editing Notification was marked as the answer   
    There isnt a function for this at present unfortunately, no. Do feel free to post up a suggestion within our feedback area
  19. Marc's post in Pages: date and time field without timezone adjusting was marked as the answer   
    If you add as UTC there, is this not working for you?
  20. Marc's post in BOTS was marked as the answer   
    Why would you want to get rid of them? Is there some issue being caused on your site due to these? I ask as what you are describing is perfectly normal
  21. Marc's post in Visibility of Club posts was marked as the answer   
    An open club should indeed show throughout the community. Are you having issues with that? Are you running the latest release?
  22. Marc's post in Club Database Permissions was marked as the answer   
    At present it follows the permissions of the database, so you would have to set it there within the admin CP if you want to set specific permissions 
  23. Marc's post in Can send emails. However, external mail cannot be received. was marked as the answer   
    Alternatively, you can add an alternative contact within your client area, with a different email, and contact us using this
  24. Marc's post in Topic Index Pages Redirect - Apparent Bug was marked as the answer   
    Please check the support area of your admin CP and ensure you arent awaiting any patches, as this looks to be one of the items we patched
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