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Everything posted by Clover13

  1. It appears to be a source site issue, not something in the AdminCP. Subsequent attempts to add it eventually work. Sorry @Jim M, thanks for the quick reply and review!
  2. I'm trying to set up an RSS feed to a forum, but getting an error "That is not a valid RSS or Atom feed." I can PM the feed address, and it's W3C Feed Validation Service confirming it is valid.
  3. I did notice in the last release I had the Facebook share box with a checkbox option (some underscore name like promote_to_page) which still worked. Now that is all gone. This was a pretty significant way for me to attract traffic from FB to my site and it did work. What changed with FB or what do you mean by making it almost impossible to add?
  4. Went to promote a forum topic today and the Facebook promotion option was no longer there, only the Twitter one and Top Picks. Can't seem to locate where this is configured now.
  5. OK thanks @Randy Calvert and @Jim M, minor thing! 🙂
  6. Not sure if this is new or I never noticed it but it does impact the post login landing page. Is this customizable somewhere? I don't see it defined in FURLs. Login and you'll be redirected to https://{yoursite}/?_fromLogin=1
  7. Just an FYI for anyone who may try to do something similar, this seems to work now in 4.7.5 👍
  8. Verified this issue is now fixed and working for me in 4.7.5, thank you! 👍
  9. Shot in the dark but any chance anyone else made the mistake of installing Tapatalk only to realize Tapatalk took those Tapatalk using members uploads and saved them to their Tapatalk servers instead of your site's? Anyone subsequently built a set of scripts to download the media from Tapatalk, save on the site's storage and update all DB references?
  10. @Marc Stridgen just checking in if this has a target resolution date or if you have a link I can track its progress until it is released? Unfortunately it impacts creating any custom FURL for us which is significant.
  11. So a user tried to register and got blocked by IPS spam check with a score of 4. When I google the email address I find no traces of it anywhere. Does that seem correct? SFS shows no matches
  12. Nothing changed in settings. Been running the latest version of InvisionCommunity 4.7.4 for awhile now. The one change today was moving servers by my host, but I wouldn't think that would influence it as it was a full backup and restore on the new server. Also quite a few pictures were posted in the same topic post (by OP) and some thumbnailed while others didn't. Here's an example of one that thumbnailed but didn't have that 216px width set <img class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" data-fileid="157995" data-ratio="66.70" width="1000" alt="xxxxxxxxx" data-src="xxxxxxxxx" src="xxxxxxxxx" style="height: auto;" data-loaded="true">
  13. Hi Ryan, that is what I am referring to as well. Below is a screenshot of my settings, however, the thumbnail is being displayed as 216px width?
  14. Not sure where there is a setting that drives this, as I thought the post settings state a maximum image dimension and anything larger gets resized to it. Somehow it seems some are being resized in a topic while others aren't (same topic post, same poster). The only place I see thumbnails mentioned is in Gallery settings and these aren't in or from Gallery but rather direct uploads to the forum topic. Example de-ided with xxxxxxxxx <img class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" data-fileid="157996" data-ratio="66.67" style="width:216px;height:auto;" width="1000" alt="xxxxxxxxx" data-src="xxxxxxxxx" src="xxxxxxxxx" data-loaded="true">
  15. Support checks were all clean. And MariaDB was setup to use INNODB for the InvisionCommunity tables. Wonder if it's our heavy usage of Activity Streams that contributes to that particular table sizing if they are related?
  16. @Sonya* and @HDiddy did you settle in on your OpenSearch installation/provider? Wondering how the pricing worked out. I noted Bonsai goes from $20/month then up to $700/month, that's quite a jump.
  17. An optimize on the table knocked it down to 1.1GB
  18. Addendum, core_search_index is around 5GB+, which isn't particularly large but it does account for more than half of the DB storage and seems to be growing at an incredibly fast pace while activity grows at a much slower pace. This was particularly noticeable from the last few upgrades where the size of this table has nearly doubled to tripled in the last 9 months to a year. The next largest tables are: forum_posts at 741MB core_reputation index at 448MB core_follow at 99MB
  19. It appears core_search_index is the culprit. What would cause it to be more than half of the DB size?
  20. Seems my database size has increased significantly and not aligning with traffic increases. Any suggestions on where to review to troubleshoot?
  21. Ok thanks Marc. Seems to be ok now!
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