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  1. Gravi5tar replied to Adriano Faria's post in a topic in Marketplace
    Appreciated, thanks.
  2. Gravi5tar replied to Adriano Faria's post in a topic in Marketplace
    We are getting the same error after a user makes the request. We turned off 'email' in the notification options and the error went away so it's an email..perhaps Sparkpost related issue. We did have Sparkpost issues with the early IPS API option but these all seem fixed now and we don't have any other site issues with email, just this plugin.
  3. Gravi5tar replied to HeadStand's post in a topic in Marketplace
    Just installed, a big fan of the v3 version...looking forward to configuring this. A few issues (working on How do you nest the FAQ Sytem menu item, it doesn't seem to work as normal? Also, how do you change the wording 'FAQ System' so it appears in the menu as just 'FAQs' for example? Many thanks