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  1. CheersnGears's post in Maintenance Tasks Not Running was marked as the answer   
    If you're on Ubuntu 18 LTS, your server went out of support in May 2023. CentOS7 is also on the chopping block, you'll want to see if an uplift to Alma is possible on your system, however, I recommend a fresh install of Alma on a new server as the cleanest option.
  2. CheersnGears's post in Updating email address - self service - url in email from forum is malformed... was marked as the answer   
    I amend my suggestion. You have a DNS issue.  Make sure you have your CNAMES set up correctly in DNS.
  3. CheersnGears's post in Where is the Past Date Settings for Records? was marked as the answer   
    Thank you @Marc Stridgen, @Matt and the IPS team for getting this update out to fix the date issue.  I updated my site last night and was able to schedule embargoed content for 12:01 am.
  4. CheersnGears's post in Images in Pages Articles do not get updated URLs after a storage location move. was marked as the answer   
    If anyone else finds this issue also. IPS found the bug and is releasing a patch in a future version.
  5. CheersnGears's post in "SQL has gone away" .... only it hasn't was marked as the answer   
    I increased my MySQL wait timeouts dramatically to see if that will help overnight.
    Running the task manually still doesn't seem to budge the task, but it's not putting errors into the logs anymore.