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  1. When sorting topics by "Most Views" or "Most Replies", the last page is empty. eg. https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/forum/499-feedback/page/1020/?sortby=views&sortdirection=desc
  2. Thank you, understood.
  3. So :) not being turned into 🙂 is working as indented, even though it is a regression from v4? Also, when it comes to shortcodes that do not start with ":", there were no such restrictions in v4. If I need to change the shortcodes to start with ":", can you confirm old emojis inserted with "!" shortcode will not disappear from posts?
  4. Every time you exit or save changes in theme editor, you are redirected to home page. It would be better if you stayed on the page you were editing. Not sure if this is bug or working as intended.
  5. It is after upgrading test site from v4 to v5. Haven't really touched any settings after upgrade, was mainly working with themes before I noticed registration doesnt work.
  6. I've done some further testing. The emoji suggestion popup only opens when the shortcode starts with a colon ":" and at least one letter follows it - I guess working as intended. However on our community we are using shortcodes starting with exclamation mark "!" (!c, !2d etc.). We need it to work with this short codes also - it works in v4. However, this: :) Is not replaced with a smiley. Here in v4 it works fine though.
  7. When trying to access registration page, I get: The log message says: OutOfRangeException: (0) #0 /var/www/xxxx/applications/core/modules/front/system/register.php(132): IPS\Application\Module::get() #1 /var/www/xxxx/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(139): IPS\core\modules\front\system\register->manage() #2 /var/www/xxxx/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(169): IPS\Dispatcher\Controller->execute() #3 /var/www/xxxx/index.php(16): IPS\Dispatcher->run() #4 {main}
  8. Custom emojis not displaying in Emoji dropdown in editor, despite being present in admin panel. Short-codes not working for any emojis, including custom ones, despite Replace :short_codes: with emoji? being set to true.
  9. Oh, haven't realized that. Thanks 🙂
  10. When CP_DIRECTORY is set in constants.php and /admin directory renamed, the link to Admin Panel on the frontend stays with default value. Admin panel can be accessed directly by the new URL, but all URLs in admin panel still point to default value. Clearing caches doesn't help.
  11. Steps to reproduce: Select post in topic with a checkbox for multimoderation With post selected, click the ellipsis and delete this post from there The multimoderation action bar on the bottom of the page still shows that there is one post selected
  12. Yes, he didn't do anything special, nor he knew he was anonymous. I logged in on his account and check account settings, but as expected there is no option to become anonymous for him.
  13. After successful download of a language, the dialog does not close, instead the loading icon is displayed, until it is closed manually by clicking X.
  14. I believe it could be achieved with custom friendly URLs: System->Settings->Advanced Configuration->Friendly URLs
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