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    Frederick, MD

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  1. It will take longer than usual, but someone will respond. The American holiday, and the release of IP.Board 3.0.0 have caused a large abundance of tickets.
  2. All I know is that it was started by Brandon Kopetzky.
  3. Actually, InvisionFree was going to update their software with a free version of IPB 2.0, but Invision Power did not allow them, so then they began to develop ZetaBoards.
  4. It is completely rewritten, however a certain person from Zetaboard argues Invision Power Services copied some features for 3.0.0. I remember waiting for it, for YEARS. I considered it vaporware for how long it was in development. Anyway, I feel bad for causing a tangent in this thread. 3.0.0 seems like a connection of a discussion board, and social networking. For example, facebook integration is a great idea! I also suspect one day a mod will be made where when you update your Twitter account, it will update your profile status. This product is moving forward, and I applaud that! I also want to say, without that bar at the top, the website looks TOP-NOTCH! I love it!
  5. That's more than I did in the past year! :o
  6. Zetaboards? :whistle: BTW, this is in reference to a post I made in the Customer Lounge.
  7. I mean it seems like every other post you must say her name! :P Or it could be the fact that she pops up in nearly every thread...
  8. What is it about you with Britney Spears? :lol:
  9. I want tactile feedback. Oh yeah. (w00t)
  10. Well when you hover over them, brings up a menu below the words. And technology rocks.
  11. Is that image what I think it is? An image that tracks where people clicked on the website?
  12. I've grown accustomed to the look of 3.0 ever since the beta, and I could never go back.
  13. This is really sad. I'm all up for competition, but seeing a company being like this, I can really hope they can, and will recover. Who knows? Maybe new developers that will come about, will blow us all out of the water.
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