Suggestion - Necobump feature
I don't see any problem with bumping when the content the user posts is relevant, but every now and then Ill have a user(troll) that will bump an old topic from 2-3 years ago with nonsense. Sometimes there will be quite a few more posts after this that don't contribute to the original post at all. While the first suggestion I posted might be a little to much the second one, with the moderation approval seems reasonable. Just something simple when a user posts and this feature is turned on. "Necro Bump is turned on. The post you have made is 200 days past the last reply, because of the length of time that has past this post has been placed under approval." I believe if you can stop people from randomly bumping topics with junk it would save time in cleaning up posts and going through reports.
Suggestion - Necobump feature
Would still like some way to combat users randomly bumping old posts. Sometimes the reply's have merit sometimes they don't. So I'll bump this to see if there is anyone else that has some interest in this and post some different ideas I think may help this if added. In a 3.1.0 feature suggestion topic I added: Another idea would be to have an option that would flag any post after XX days and set it for moderation approval. A moderator would then have to approve the post before it shows up.
Member Map
Would be cool if you could use custom profiles fields to pull a users location. Then when they visit the map they have the option to make there location visible, hide or update (if they dont have a location set) Along with the location, I would like users to be able to filter results based on other custom profile fields.
IPB 3.1.0 features
There might be issues where you don't want old topics closed. Neco bumping isn't always a bag thing.
IPB 3.1.0 features
Would like to see a necro bump feature. Sometimes you have a user that likes to go back and comment on an old post. Other users, not paying attention to the original date then comment. In the ACP there would be a setting where you define the amount of time to pass before this shows up 30, 60, 90days etc. Then in the thread, when a new post is made after the time designated in the ACP, a message will show between the last post and the most recent one "Necro Bump! There have been XX days between previous and next post." added image
IPB 3.1.0 features
Ignore user icon in posts, been trying to do this myself but cant seem to get the syntax working correctly. something like -
Suggestion: Automatically Subscribe Members to Their Topics
You would run into the same issue if I clicked watch topic / forum here and changed my email. Other then having just added a subscribe box when you sign up, there might be other options more helpful that could be placed under Board Options. You could configure what ones you would like displayed in the ACP.
Suggestion: Automatically Subscribe Members to Their Topics
Might be a better idea to have a check box when you sign up. That way people know its there when they first join
IPB 3.1.0 features
Something I would like to see: Report Center Reports under review to display differently in the admin bar. Current: Mod Tools: IP Lookup - Manage Announcement - 1 Active Reports This 1 active report is under review, personally I would like to only see new reports listed. Maybe make under review not disply or add a Under Review Reports counter? So you'll have something like: Mod Tools: IP Lookup - Manage Announcement - 3 Active Reports, 1 Reports Under Review or Mod Tools: IP Lookup - Manage Announcement - 1 Reports Under Review
[Suggestion] Admin remove reputation
In the APC we have the option to change a users reputation and can view reputations received and given. I would like the option to remove reps when viewing reputations received / given. add: maybe also add and option of how many times a user can vote. Think might help stop users trying to abuse the system.
Suggestions - Lets work on the Report Center
The report center is nice, but could be a lot better. Post what you would like to see added or changed. Active Reports and Under Review - In the admin bar I would like to see 1 Active Reports, 2 Under Review. When a reply is made to an active report I feel it should be then placed under review automatically. Maybe change the wording to New Reports and Active Reports. Reporting Posts or Users - I don't see many reports about users show up. I believe this is due to the "user report" being placed in user profile. A good amount of reports I see are post reports saying something about the user being reported. I would like to see a way to tie this together so if action needs to be directed to the user, it can be done in the report center. Maybe link the user to the post. Reporting Users- When dealing with a report on a user I would like to see past issues (if any) about the user. I would like the user to be able to reply to the ticket about them and be able to add to the ticket for other moderators to see. Would like to see the "Member Warning Center" incorporated here. Other- Edit / delete replys (sometimes you might mess up what you post) Auto close after X days if no reply / update. Different report categories; spamming, harassment, explicated content, etc.
[Suggestion] Ignored User from Post.
Would like to add some. I just started useing the ignore user feature. Is it possible to fully block out a user so I don't see topics they made, comments, or even Recent Status Updates ?
[Suggestion] Ignored User from Post.
The only way I know how to Ignore a user is to go to my settings and add them there. In every post there is a "add as friend" icon, why not an "ignore user" one. If having it there seems kind of bad could put it in the view profile drop down box.
[Suggestion] Show members in secondary group
I have a little issue with how secondary groups are done. When a member is part of a secondary group their name does now show up in said group. Some say they like this because you can have a user as secret moderator of sorts, that's fine, but I would like my users to know who is moderating them if there is an issue. In order to accommodate users that what anonymity and for and others that would like to display, maybe we could have a check box for groups instead of a list. So we would see something like... Primary Group (would be your normal drop down list) Users Secondary Groups (List all current groups, each group would have a some check boxes. Is a member, Hide member could add other options if needed) Moderators Administrators Community Leaders 1 Community Leaders 2 Super Secret User Group Another thing would be nice is if you click on a users group in posts / profile and show other memebers in that group.
Suggestion - After last reply breadcrumbs
This puts it at the bottom of the page and depending on your skin or other elements you may have puts it quite outa the way. I'm looking for something right under the last reply in forumIndexTemplate and topicViewTemplate.