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  1. Thanks. I'll do that with the hosting company.
  2. We've been contacting members about this, and it's still a problem. I've got two members and the lists of boards that they are following and not receiving notices. They receive the little notification bubble on the bell when they are signed in, but they are not receiving e-mails. User: bldrhouse Following: FS Field & Personal Gear FS Books, Photos, Ephemera, & Research Material FS Medals, Decorations, Ribbons, & Accessories FS Cloth & Metal Insignia FS Knives and Other Weapons & Accessories FS Miscellaneous User: S1991 Following: Discussion forum on Medals & Decorations For Sale forum on Uniforms, Helmets and Medals & Decorations Let me know if you need any other info. Thanks for the help.
  3. I will contact some of the members having issues and find out more. Something definitely changed, so let me see if they can be more specific. Thanks.
  4. Sure. I think. 🙂 Several members have been reporting this in a thread in our forum help board, and one of the Admins has been working on it. Some members are now seeing the notification bubble but no e-mail notifications for followed boards at all. And all other e-mail notifications are working flawlessly. Here's the link to that thread, because a member is outlining what's going wrong: https://www.usmilitariaforum.com/forums/index.php?/topic/373768-not-getting-any-messages-from-the-fora-that-i-follow/ I've checked for patches, but everything is up to date. The Update went flawlessly as well, so I can't pin-point anything that might have gone wrong.
  5. I've been getting some reports from members that they are no longer receiving notifications for updates to Followed Boards. All other notifications seem to be working fine. This may have happened around the time of the latest update -- but they're not all clear on just when it started happening. Is this a known issue? Thanks so much!
  6. Thanks! I'll find out from our host. Appreciate the fast answer.
  7. We are not hosted on their cloud either . . . it's a hosting company. Should I ask them or would this be more likely to be a feature in the IPS?
  8. This isn't really need for support, but it's a question for the Invision team. 🙂 A member on our forum just asked this, and I realize that none of the Admin team knows the answer. When users upload photos or documents into posts, are they scanned for viruses? Is there any sort of file scanning going on in IPS? Thanks in advance!
  9. Thanks! I'm going to look at this. Might be perfect!! 🙂
  10. Hi! I've been trying some different things here, but I'm missing it. Is there a way to set the "About Me" page as the default when members click on another member's Profile, rather than the Member's Content? Thanks!
  11. Thank you SO much! This is perfect. I really appreciate the help.
  12. Hi! I'd like to use the new Block Submission feature on the Word Filter, but we have quite a few words in there. Is there a way to apply the Block Submission feature to the whole Word Filter without having to edit each word by itself? Thanks!
  13. Some of that may have been happening, though it wasn't the main problem in the end. We do have a crawl delay but have always had. Actually, lines had been added to block certain robots. I'm not the one who handles that part of the website, but it did have certain names blocked. All that was removed and the file put back to the normal lines (which have been in place for over ten years) and after three days everything is going back to normal. Whew!
  14. Both of our communities have an odd thing happening with the search feature over the past four days or so. There has always been the option of searching "This Forum" and "This Thread" under the "More options" choice on the search bar of both forums. It is still an option when you are viewing a thread -- like this: But if you go out into any Forum/Board area, the option has disappeared, like this: This is a crucial feature for our moderating team. I've had members with all different permissions testing this, and no one has the option on either community. From what everyone can remember, it was working great last week but it seems to have disappeared about four days ago. Any help is most appreciated. Thanks.
  15. Following up on this -- it looks like the site was hit on April 1st with some hacking, which seems to have included an altered robots.txt file. All replaced now and everything seems fine. Thanks for the advice!
  16. I am checking in now with the server manager about the Webmaster Console, as he's the only one handling that. The Crawl Management in the AdminCP is set on "Invision Community optimized." Thanks so much! I thought the SEO in IPS was so much better with some of the recent updates, which is why I wanted to check in on this.
  17. I've got two IPS communities, one is about four years old and the other is fifteen years old. Starting in the last week or two, the older community is not showing up in Google searches. No one has been doing any kind of AdminCP or server maintenance or anything like that -- is this known bug with the SEO in the software at this time? This is what happens when searching to see what is indexed on the site: https://www.google.com/search?q=site%3Ausmilitariaforum.com&source=hp&ei=11ZLYvazOMCZptQPu-2sQA&iflsig=AHkkrS4AAAAAYktk5zWAUz1WxvrPre0Tl7PEssQchcq6&ved=0ahUKEwi2-4Cvofv2AhXAjIkEHbs2CwgQ4dUDCAk&uact=5&oq=site%3Ausmilitariaforum.com&gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EAM6CAgAELEDEIMBOhEILhCABBCxAxCDARDHARDRAzoLCAAQgAQQsQMQgwE6BQgAEIAEOg4ILhCABBCxAxDHARDRAzoICAAQgAQQsQM6CAguELEDEIMBOgUILhCABDoICC4QgAQQsQM6CwguEIAEELEDEIMBOhEILhCABBCxAxCDARDHARCjAjoLCC4QgAQQxwEQ0QM6CwguEIAEEMcBEK8BOg4ILhCABBCxAxDHARCjAjoRCC4QgAQQsQMQxwEQ0QMQ1AJQAFj3B2C-CmgAcAB4AIABbIgBxQSSAQMzLjOYAQCgAQGgAQI&sclient=gws-wiz Images seem to be showing fine, but no pages. Bing.com seems to be working fine for both communities.
  18. Thank you! I have sent this to the gent who handles our server and will see if that fixes this.
  19. We've got several members experiencing issues when trying to upload an image into a post. We don't have a max size set for uploads, so that's not the issue. It's most common, they say, with Firefox -- but they're having it with Chrome and Edge as well. They try to upload an image and then wait some time, after which they receive the following error: Sorry, an unknown server error occurred when uploading this file. (Error code: -200) I'm not able to recreate it, but they have this a lot. I'm seeing a number of posts for this error, but we're not having this in Admin side or with animated images. They're taking pics on cameras and trying to upload a JPEG. Any suggestions would be very helpful. Thanks in advance!
  20. Thanks so much! I will pass this around to our team.
  21. Okay. We're self-hosted on two different IPS communities. Is there a way to get the e-mail resent that details what will be happening for us? Sorry, but we had an issue with e-mail for a bit here.
  22. Oh, thank you! That's great. So, that will be available after the first of the year, as well as the option of posting in this Help Forum? Thanks!
  23. @Charles Sorry, I think I must have used the wrong word here. I meant "ticket" being the little support button in the Client Area that opens a sort of e-mail chat system. Will that still be functioning? Thanks! We have two different tech admins on our community, so they don't all receive the e-mails from the base account e-mail.
  24. After having experienced a couple weeks of e-mail issues, I realize that this message did not come through or was lost. Am I interpreting correctly that all support issues from now on should be posted here in this forum, rather than a support ticket? What do you do in the case of needing to share community members names or things that I would not want to post screengrabs of here on the board? Thanks!
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