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Branded communities mobilize your impassioned fans and customers. 

If you’re even a little familiar with community building, you’ve probably seen marketing jargon about why owning your own community (and not exclusively relying on social media) is absolutely imperative for growth. 

Relying on social media is a gamble. 

  • At any given time the social media giants can take away your platform and following you had spent years building. 
  • Meaningful ongoing conversations aren’t really a thing.
  • No customization; your social account won’t have different functionality than everyone else (there’s a few exceptions with Instagram, but it’s based on follower count). With a community, you can grant your members far more flexibility and power. 

Companies that thrive know of social media’s limitations. They opt to also include a community component to their brand because it’s a serious advantage. They use social media as a tool to drive traffic to their community and get to know their clients/customers on a deeper level. 

Owning your own branded community... 

  • Strengthens brand identity. Duh, but not really. I’d say most companies fail to establish a real look and feel. This is done by evoking an emotion in the customer through an intentional balance of visuals (colors, logos, fonts) alongside experiences the company, along with the community, creates together. 
  • Builds trust with the consumer. Getting digital face time with your customers, sharing content and offering value on a consistent basis are the building blocks of trust between company and consumer. Gain this, and become an authority in your industry. 
  • Provides a deeper understanding of customers' needs. Save money on market research. Tap into your audience's needs free of charge. 
  • Encourages an open dialogue. Customers want to feel heard! Create an environment that's a two-way street so their thoughts and feelings don't fall into the Internet abyss.
  • Creates visibility. At the heart of any business are the customers. Show them your true colors.

Your brand’s look & feel matters

Now that we’ve nailed down the ‘why,’ let’s touch on the nuts and bolts, err… colors and fonts. 

Don’t underestimate the power of a cohesive and imaginative visual associated with your brand. 

When you think of McDonald’s, does your brain fire off a pair of golden arches and a ketchup red color combo? When thinking about Coca Cola, maybe a cursive font bubbles up. Apple is internationally admired for their visuals and product presentation.

These aren’t accidents.

Companies spend millions of dollars on marketing to perfect the brand’s look and feel. 

Your community should aim to feel as immersive as possible through its branding. 

Your community, powered by Invision Community, was designed with that in mind. In the admin control panel, community leaders can design their own theme, including colors, fonts, headers, footers and logo. 

Take a look at how some of our clients transformed their communities into something extra special:











Those communities enlist our enterprise services. However, if you don’t have the marketing budget just yet to create a totally custom look and feel, we have a new option at your disposal starting today.

We just launched a theme service available for all Invision Community clients on our standard plans. We’ll create you a theme based on certain criteria and keep it updated throughout future platform updates. 

If that’s something of interest, please visit this new page on our website and reach out to us to get started.

Owning a branded community doesn’t need to be complicated. If your idea is solid, and your intentions are to unite and connect like-minded people, then you’re golden. 

Are you  interested in a branded community? Do you have a community that could use some extra attention? Are you ready to launch a new community but don’t know where to start? Drop us a line in the comments and we’ll respond to you.