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New tool for community managers: Rank Progression

See how long, on average, members ascend from one Rank to the next. 


We are excited to have added this new chart to our existing statistics that shows Rank Progression. This addition, available for all plans, is included in an upcoming release of our latest version 4.7.


You can find it in your Admin Control Panel -> Stats -> Users -> Rank Progression.

Ranks display a members’ perceived value to the community. The higher a members’ Rank, the greater their influence. Members with higher ranks earned those through their engagement and participation in the community. Actions like commenting, reacting and should your community be utilizing the Achievement system, through those Rules that award points. The more points, the higher the rank.

Learn all about our Achievement System and Points in this previously shared Blog.

Why is our new Rank Time Progression chart important?

Understanding how long it takes members to move from rank to rank helps you strategize a user journey. You want meaningful contributors to feel rewarded for their engagement and participation in your community and receive an increase in their Rank.

This chart provides a better understanding of how long it takes members to change Ranks.

You will now be asking yourself insightful questions like:

  • Am I happy with that timeline? Are my members happy too?
  • Are any ranks being achieved too quickly or not quick enough?
  • Are the ranks that I want to be “exclusive” and reserved for my star members, appropriately adjusted and take long enough to achieve? 

Ranks, Rules and all things Achievements can be adjusted and changed. Ask yourself these questions and make changes to better support and reward engagement from those valuable members.

Related: Help Guide on how to set up Ranks in your community

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Let’s take a look at this chart again.

Here, the Rank Progression average shows a curve, meaning the time, on average, it takes a member to jump from rank to rank increases.

If a member reaches Grand Master faster than you intended, you’re now armed with information to adjust the Ranks.

Ultimately, the shape of the line on the chart depends on your goals.

  • Flat line = no time between ranks
  • Rising straight line = similar amount of time between ranks
  • Rising curved line = increasing amount of time between ranks

This new addition tracks Ranks for all registered members from day one.

Want input setting new Rank Progression goals? Please post in our community forum or leave us a comment.

While you’re at it, feel free to leave a comment and let us know what you think; we're looking forward to hearing from you!

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