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Default theme broken after upgrade from 4.4 to 4.7 (latest)

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Hello all, working on upgrading our forum and running into a snag at the end. 

The version on our forum is a few years old and we want to migrate it to latest to resolve the missing security patches. We're currently working through the upgrade process on a test server as we are also moving from php7.4 to php8.0 as part of this process. 

The problem is, once we complete the upgrade (after verifying with the Community requirements checker that the upgrade *should* work), and setting the default theme to the AdminCP and user theme, we still get the following errors on the AdminCP login, and user login pages: 
AdminCP URL shows only this:

[[Template core/admin/system/login is throwing an error. This theme may be out of date. Run the support tool in the AdminCP to restore the default theme.]]

User URL shows these two: 

[[Template core/front/global/userBar is throwing an error. This theme may be out of date. Run the support tool in the AdminCP to restore the default theme.]]

[[Template core/global/global/includeJS is throwing an error. This theme may be out of date. Run the support tool in the AdminCP to restore the default theme.]]

Things I've already tried: 
adding define('RECOVERY_MODE',True); to constants.php.    No change.
checking apache2 logs and syslog. No clear issues there. 
renaming the datastore folder to datastoreold. No change. 
Creating a new theme without customizations and setting that as the default before attempting an upgrade. Same outcome. 

Because the adminCP page only shows that error, I cannot run the support tool in the AdminCP to restore the default theme, but I did image the machine before attempting the upgrade so I can restore that image and retry from the old version as needed. 

Not sure what the next troubleshooting step is. I've updated the connection details in my client area in case a staff member needs to take a look at it. If you are able to resolve it, please let me know what I need to do differently so I can replicate it on our live forum once we go to upgrade that. 🙂

Thank you!

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Are you receiving this error pre-upgrade to the latest Invision Community? If so, there may be something there that is PHP 8 incompatible or plugin issue. You can check the System Log in ACP -> Support.

With that said, as you're so far out of date, you will want to do a manual upgrade:


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32 minutes ago, Jim M said:

Are you receiving this error pre-upgrade to the latest Invision Community? If so, there may be something there that is PHP 8 incompatible or plugin issue. You can check the System Log in ACP -> Support.

With that said, as you're so far out of date, you will want to do a manual upgrade:



Hey Jim, This is happening after a manual upgrade (which was completed after the step up to php8.0). My steps essentially have been as follows:

1. "Create" a new theme without customizations, set that as default for adminCP and users.

2. Stop Apache2 via OS. 

3. Install php8.0 and invision's php dependancies (php-gd, php-mbstring, etc), remove old php7.1 packages

4. Copy the ips folder downloaded from the client area overtop of the old install, overwriting files where needed. (also copying the admin folder to our custom admin path)

5. Adding define('RECOVERY_MODE',True); to constants.php

6. visiting ourforum.com/customAdminCP/upgrade and clicking through the upgrade process. 

As soon as that upgrade completes, the site breaks. 

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3 minutes ago, Mark Jacobs said:

5. Adding define('RECOVERY_MODE',True); to constants.php

I would not use recovery mode prior to upgrading or while doing so.

If you have upgraded successfully and all the way through, you will need to check the System Log as mentioned.


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1 minute ago, Jim M said:

I would not use recovery mode prior to upgrading or while doing so.

If you have upgraded successfully and all the way through, you will need to check the System Log as mentioned.

I'll roll the VM back to before the upgrade and see if I can get to the upgrade page without using recovery mode. 

I can't access the AdminCP after upgrading, I get the "This theme may be out of date." error immediately after upgrading and the admin panel does not function: 
Could contain: File

Trying an upgrade without using recovery mode to get to the upgrade page. Will report back shortly.

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Yep, so even without using recovery mode during the update, I get the same error once the update completes: The update completes, I see this page, then click the "Go to the AdminCP" button. 
Could contain: File, Webpage

After clicking that, I end up here: 

I also tried setting define('RECOVERY_MODE',True); after this point just for kicks, and it made no change. 

What should I do next? 

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21 minutes ago, Jim M said:

We would need the system log to assist further. 

I cannot obtain the system log if I cannot log into the adminCP, correct? Is this available via ssh/sftp on the server itself? 

To clarify, no matter what I do, I cannot open the ACP after the upgrade. the only system log that was present from before the upgrade was related to an error from trying to export a very old theme. 

Edited by Mark Jacobs
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7 hours ago, Marc said:

Please ensure that the login on file for sftp has full read/write permission. At present it doesnt, so we are unable to assist further at this stage

Sorry about that, that user should have full rw access to the listed install directory now. 

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9 minutes ago, Marc said:

So we appear to have a larger issue here, in that the location you have provided does not appear to be associated with the site itself. 

That server hosts our test site, not the main site. I specified the test site in the AdminCP URL to try to reduce confusion as that is the site I'm currently attempting to upgrade. I uploaded the upgrade files to it on my previous attempt to update the site through the same means and SSH access, so it should work without issue. 
I can also see the ips4.php file that was uploaded less than an hour ago, and can browse to it via the test site. 🙂
Could contain: File, Webpage, Page, Text

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This is due to you are missing files for a third party plugin CSELoginSteam. If this is not compatible with the latest release or not used anymore, you will need to uninstall it prior to upgrading.

Error: ErrorException: Class IPS\Login\Handler\CSELoginSteam

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9 minutes ago, Jim M said:

This is due to you are missing files for a third party plugin CSELoginSteam. If this is not compatible with the latest release or not used anymore, you will need to uninstall it prior to upgrading.

Error: ErrorException: Class IPS\Login\Handler\CSELoginSteam

I was worried about that. It's tied to our login system so our users need that to get in. I'll have to work with a dev to create an updated version to work with 4.7.

Where can I find the system/error logs without being able to access the adminCP

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4 minutes ago, Mark Jacobs said:

I was worried about that. It's tied to our login system so our users need that to get in. I'll have to work with a dev to create an updated version to work with 4.7.

Where can I find the system/error logs without being able to access the adminCP

I had to resort to the database as file logging seems to be failing on your server. The database table is core_logs.

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