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Been trying to migrate from Wordpress wpForo 2.3.5 on mywiseguys.com to my Invision Community 4.7.17 with domain mywiseguys.net

In short, I'm leaving the wordpress for some frontend BS work that have custom apps but anything community I want on invision community.  of course it would be pretty awesome if you could register on one site and use the same username and password on both sites BUT not necessary.

I do, however, need everything in wpForo moved/migrated to Invision Community to include attachments.  I tried the conversion but it keeps failing with wrong upload path but I tried full path, just public_html path

It should be the full path on the hard disk like /home/username/public_hml/some_folder/attachments

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Thanks @Randy Calvert but no luck..  that was my thought as well

Convert Database Records

Location of files (typically: /path/to/wordpress/wp-content/uploads)

  • Try #1: /home/username/public_html/wp-content/uploads
  • Try #2: public_html/wp-content/uploads
  • Try #3: wp-content/uploads (which I knew wouldn't work but no idea)

all give the response:

The path entered appears to be invalid

Edited by Cowboy Denny

Do you have proper CHMOD permissions on the uploads folder to allow IPB to read/write files?  

Also have you tried with a trailing slash on the various options?  (with a "/" at the end in case your PHP is being sensitive to it?)

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7 minutes ago, Randy Calvert said:

Do you have proper CHMOD permissions on the uploads folder to allow IPB to read/write files?  

Also have you tried with a trailing slash on the various options?  (with a "/" at the end in case your PHP is being sensitive to it?)


permissions on folder is 0755 (which should be enough)

Also I did try and put a slash at the end of /home/username/public_html/wp-content/uploads/

no difference.

I then realized its trying to move over pages and I don't really need the wordpress pages moved over..  JUST the wpforo but now its stuck in this conversion and when I try and start a new conversion it complains that one is already started and if I deselect the pages and just focus on topics and posts the converter re-enables the pages stuff at the top.

It does sound like you've got a permission issue, for example if you're trying to access files in the file structure of another username on the same server, it likely won't let you.

It does need to be the full absolute path i.e. /home/username/public_html/wp-content/uploads/

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Thanks Stuart...

I'm on the same cPanel user on the same localhost so not understanding the different username idea.  Obviously I'm happy to try anything to get off the dependancy of wpForo and just use Invision Community for everything community related

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I also loaded up chrome incognito to eliminate anything in cache but no luck.

I was able to go into the conversion and go to Step2 and just leave checked

Members and System Information

Forum and Topic Data

UNCHECKED is Pages and Record Data


Then I click Supply database details (Step3) and when I click Next hoping it will go to Step4 it jumps back to Step2.  I tried this a few times without a different (hopeful) result

2 hours ago, Cowboy Denny said:

I'm on the same cPanel user on the same localhost so not understanding the different username idea.

localhost has nothing to do with where files are stored on the physical hard drive of the server.  

The username is going to be whatever you use to FTP files up to the server, or whatever credential you use to access to cPanel UI.  (Not WHM...  the user side of things.)

So if your username was "bob", it would be /home/bob/public_html/wp-content/uploads/

That's making the assumption your actual uploads are in the location www.domain.com/wp-content/uploads/.  Basically www.domain.com is /home/USERNAME/public_html/ on a default/vanilla cPanel server.  But we're not your hosting provider...  that's something the host should be confirming for you.  

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I get it Randy..  I am pretty familar with VPS hosting since I have had accounts on multiple different providers but I do appreciate your effort to help me out.

With all that said is the reason I'm confused the conversion for wpForo isn't working.  IPB to IPB works just fine (besides the files are unknown after migration) but all blogs, clubs, images all show up good.

Now that I blew away my new site and started over I tried again and this time didn't select pages and I get

No items could be found to convert. This may be because there is no data present to convert in your old database.

Edited by Cowboy Denny

Its worth noting here, that the issue with files from the invision to invision conversion would also likely indicate permission problems

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