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Testing with a member and getting a "banned" message

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I'm testing my new Cloud invision site before I migrate everyone. When I try to create a fairly long blog post using one of my test member accounts (at the member level), it gives me the following error message (see attached) and fails to create the blog post. Is it possible that there is a length limit on blog posts? I seem to be able to create blog post with the admin account no problem. 

Also, in the blog post editor, when I click the <> for the code box, why is it giving a member the ability to insert all sorts of code into blog posts (see second attached screenshot)? It seems like that is super dangerous? 


Could contain: Page, Text

Could contain: Page, Text, White Board

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You’re seeing the site as that member. If that member is banned, that is the correct view. Unban the account from the Admin area temporarily or use a new non-banned account. 

The code button lets them paste code and IPB will format it with color, etc. That box will not execute code or do anything with it except display it. If you don’t have users that might use it, you can remove it from the text editor in the ACP

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Randy -- Thanks for the quick answer! That makes sense on the code display. I'll disable it. And thanks for trying to solve my user issue. 

Marc -- On the user issue, I'd love your help since you can go in to my hosted site and test stuff.

The problem happens when I create a new test user (most recently with TennisLover) and then try to past a SEO-written blog post as test first post (I've attached the text of the post in a file). When I click publish, a page pops up that says to that user "You've been banned" (see attached). But then I can go to the site again as the user and I'm clearly not banned. It also appears that it created the post somewhere (see screenshot attached from TennisLover profile) but I can't see the post in the moderation queue nor in the user profile.

Also, then when I go to try and create a new blog entry for TennisLover (see attached), the text is already populated but not the tags not title nor stock photo I chose. If I then try to repopulate those things and resubmit, I get the banned page again. But it gets counted as if it was submitted but doesn't appear in the activity feed.

Posting a simple post with a single word of content seems to work just fine (see my "testing" post on the same user account). Is it it possible that pasting rich text content is problematic? 

Would love your help sorting this!



Could contain: Running Track, Sport

Could contain: Page, Text, File, Webpage

Could contain: Text

Could contain: File, Webpage, Page, Text

Where to Play Tennis in Tucson.docx

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Unfortunately, I am not having any issues posting that blog article as the user in question, TennisLover. I do not see that there are any issues on the account in question. However, I do see that you have attempted to register multiple times. If you're using the Post Before Registration, you may not be able to register fully till your account is approved by an administrator. You may wish to disable the Spam Defense system if you are going to test registration. This can be done in ACP -> Members -> Spam Prevention -> Spam Defense.

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