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I feel like I had a conversation or read something about Databases and Wiki-style editing to be depreciated. But I cannot find anything about it, I want to believe I am wrong. So just a general question, is the Database product in Pages going to be depreciated anytime soon? (let's say within 5 years)

While I don’t know the plan for wiki style editing, Pages itself is not deprecated. In fact, Pages gets a bunch of nice enhancements in 5.x and is not going away anytime soon.  

Also the official depreciation tracker is here:

It does not mention anything about the wiki style editing being removed, so I would venture a reasonable guess to say it’s not scheduled for removal.  

In terms of “5 years”, it’s next to impossible to say what will happen in that time. As far as we know, aliens take over the world in 4 years!  IPS is focused on releasing 5.0 and not 5.5.  So I would not expect them to comment on things that far out and I doubt they have any real plans that far anyway.   🙂

Anything being deprecated would be shown in the tracker, as mentioned above. We're certainly not getting rid of pages databases 🙂

With regards the "5 years" question, unfortunately out crystal ball is out for repair at present 😄 In all honesty though, its very very very unlikely to go anywhere in that time, and is very much an actively developed part of our suite

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