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Need help with a runnaway email script

Go to solution Solved by Marc,

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I send a bulk mail on 04-14-24 through the forum software.

Since then approximately 3400 emails per day of this SAME email are send to 1! ONE person, totalling for +46.000! emails send from the forum software to this one person.
They are all with different message IDs, so they were delivered separately.

I'm using sendgrid to send my tiny lot (<500) of bulk"" mail ech month, and this is horrific for that person.


Please help, I deleted that mail and somehow the forum is still sending it.

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If the mail is deleted entirely from bulkmail, there isnt anything sending at present (quite simply, there isnt anything there to send). I suspect what you are seeing is whatever is left still going through. Are you seeing anything showing in your email error logs, or system logs?

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Hi Marc thank you for the swift reply!

I have empty email error logs, but I got, I only now checked, a whole lot of system errors:

pop3 IPS\Email\Incoming\PopImapException (0) UNEXPECTED_RESPONSE:-ERR message 50 expunged

And some in the backtrace:

site/forum/system/Email/Incoming/PopImap.php(160): IPS\Email\Incoming\_PopImap->_getLine()
#1 site/forum/system/Email/Incoming/PopImap.php(99): IPS\Email\Incoming\_PopImap->_putLine()
#2 site/forum/applications/core/tasks/pop.php(59): IPS\Email\Incoming\_PopImap->getEmail()
#3 site/forum/system/Task/Task.php(281): IPS\core\tasks\_pop->execute()
#4 /site/forum/system/Task/Task.php(244): IPS\_Task->run()
#5 site/forum/applications/core/interface/task/task.php(72): IPS\_Task->runAndLog()
#6 {main}

There are over 600 error pages btw... 😞

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22 hours ago, Marc Stridgen said:

Thats an issue with incoming mail settings on commerce support system. So you would need to address that

I have no idea what that means, sorry. And how do I address that? 

Ohh wait, its something on my providers side you mean?  

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