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Issue: On a posting in one of our forums in 2015, the embedded image has disappeared

Mke Stoltz
Go to solution Solved by Nathan Explosion,

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The link remained behind; however, the image no longer displays.

The image was a book cover for the Smith Falls Police Service.  Here is a link to the image that is missing:

The actual record url is:  

The issue was brought to my attention as the other url on the record is broken and needed to be updated.  (I have left it as is for the moment)

Can you have a look to see if the image could be restored?

Thanks for any insight you have.



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Marc Stridgen
This post was recognized by Marc Stridgen!

Nathan Explosion was awarded the badge 'Helpful' and 5 points.


This one? If so, simply change the domain element of the link (plus a little modification to https://)





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