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I just merged a fairly large topic (lets call it X) with a smaller one (Y) that was basically exactly the same in terms of premise. X had a poll on it with quite a lot of votes, but upon merging Y into X - the poll disappeared from X!

Is this intended behaviour? I did not see a warning that, that may happen (might just be my ignorance). Is there anyway to get that poll back? Topic X was also unpromoted (is this intended when merging as well?), that isn't too much of a problem as it can just be promoted again, no real harm there though is there any way to stop that from happening in future?

Thanks in advance.

Edited by Liloz01

Solved by Dextro Energy

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Could you please provide a link to the topic in question? In simply testing this on my own instance, I am unable to reproduce.

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You know what, I just tested it myself again and this time it didn't happen this time. How odd? I'm not too sure what to say.

I figured it out... how embarassing. One of our Forum moderators just royally cocked it up and tried to cover their tracks without saying anything; but logs don't lie!

My bad.

Thank you for letting us know. Glad to see you managed to get the problem resolved regardless 🙂 

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