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(Pages) Sorting by price and number field


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I have a Pages database where products are stored. 

I have defined two fields of type Number: Storage Place and Price. Both fields are required.

The list of what is not possible with the fields:

  • Sorting by these fields in record listing does not make sense as it sorts by characters and not by numbers
  • Required does not make sense, as the fields are always pre-filled with 0  and stored with this value without an error message

The database to reproduce the behavior on default Pages templates is attached.

The values I have entered to test are on the screenshot. This is a result of sorting by Storage Place. Sorting by Price does not change the order. 


Note: I know a technical background why this does not work. Please see this as a report from an end-user who tries to set up this kind of database in Pages.


Edited by Sonya*
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This is one of my annoyances with this software in general. When displaying items by name, just about everything is not ordered by name.

The Pages in the Menu Manager is a prime example of this. I really wish they would display items is alphabetical order rather then when created or updated with items like this. So much harder to find the items you are looking for when it is thrown at you like this.


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56 minutes ago, TDBF said:

This is one of my annoyances with this software in general. When displaying items by name, just about everything is not ordered by name.

The Pages in the Menu Manager is a prime example of this. I really wish they would display items is alphabetical order rather then when created or updated with items like this. So much harder to find the items you are looking for when it is thrown at you like this.


Please could you post this as a suggestion rather than in someones support topic 🙂 

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Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention! I can confirm this should be further reviewed and I have logged an internal bug report for our development team to investigate and address as necessary, in a future maintenance release.


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I have created a database on invisionify.com/test-database for you (only for Admins, please log in to reproduce the following bugs):

  1. Required field Storage place never throws an error and saves the 0 value without warning. It is always preset with 0. Even if 0 is emptied, the record is saved with 0. The same for the field Price.
  2. Select sort by and see another bug, where the field Storage Place field is duplicated with sort_cms_custom_database_12.field_50 in the list of fields. (Hint: only reproducible if you set a database to sort by this field in AdminCP)
  3. Try to sort by Price. The sorting order will be 3.00, 11.00, 5.00, and 10.00. It should be 3.00, 5.00, 10.00, 11.00. Or vice versa if descending.
  4. Try to sort by Custom and deselect Special offer in the modal view. You will not be able to deselect. (Hint: only reproducible if you add filters block to the page)

You are free to change the database, add records, edit, delete, remove and add blocks, everything you like. The database is only for Administrators.

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