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Erratic performance issues after 4.6.9 upgrade today

Go to solution Solved by Jim M,

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Having erratic performance issues after upgrade today. Admin center is slow loading/saving new pages. Actual site performance is very erratic, sometimes loads in a a second or two (normal) sometimes takes 10 seconds. Same is true when drilling down in a thread, sometimes very quick, sometimes not. Checked the DB and it looks fines, no errors and restarted MySQL. Cleared the system caches. No differences.  Upgrade installer ran with no errors.

I have contacted my ISP also but they didn't see anything out of the ordinary. They did open a service ticket to check in more detail.

Ideas, suggestions?


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Unfortunately, I am not seeing any issues. Navigating around your community seems fine. The page loads extremely quickly, the only delay is once the software loads and your advertisements and third party JavaScript loads in.

However, the fact that it is erratic seems to point more towards a server problem than to a code problem. If it was due to a poor performing piece of code, that would be slow each and every time you use that specific page, function, etc... I would continue down the route of your hosting provider as they have the tools and responsibility to troubleshoot this. If this is outlined as an issue with our software, we will require the supporting log entries which they determined this from to advance our troubleshooting.

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