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<span data-role='th'>th</span> node follow 

Please I would like to know the translation of "th" in Italian, it is an abbreviation of umpteenth time, of the day of the week or what. In truth "th" could mean many things, thanks to those who want to answer me. Good day

Solved by EnzoC

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th = fourth, fifth, sixth, etc.

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Thanks for the reply Adriano, but in the bottom string in my comment, the th alone as I should translate it.

<span data-role = 'th'> th </span> node follow

It would be something like to in italian and brazilian portuguese: quinto, sesto, etc. settimo is different, etc.

That doesn’t work for my language and yours I don’t know what I’ve done in mine (mobile phone now) but I changed it if I remember. 

Edited by Adriano Faria

1 hour ago, EnzoC said:

translation of "th" in Italian

50th = 50°


Yeah. I used º too, if I recall.

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Sorry, let's simplify everything, this sentence "<span data-role = 'th'> th </span> node follow", how would you translate it in Italy? For which I have not yet understood "th" by myself how it should be translated. I understood that th followed by a number translates to a 50th (50 °) 5th (fifth) etc.


Edited by EnzoC

"<span data-role = 'th'> º </span> node follow"

In the board, it will show something like “3º node follow”

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Thanks Adriano, now I understand. Good day

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